I had a busy, butgood Halloween weekend. Went out Friday and Saturday night to different bars downtown. Friday night I dressed up as Nightowl from the Watchmen movie. Saturday night I dressed up as Captain America. Sunday night I went over to friends house who was throwing a Halloween party(non-nudist). Still enjoyed myself there.
We had a great Halloween Party on Saturday put on by our group CSN or Canyon State Naturists. People wore costumes going from the traditional to the goofy to the very risque'. A few people even wore their one button, double berasted birthday suits. The food was great, the party goers were fun and everyone had a roaring good time. Many thanks to our Host and Hostess, Frank and Ginger, for opening their home, which was lavishly decorated for the occasion, and all the effort thatthey put into making this party a tremendous success. Naked hugs to you both!
My wife and I hosted our Annual Halloween Bash for our friends (all textiles). One couple showed up dressed in full tourist garb and holding signs that read "Nudists on Strike". I thought what a great time this would be to let the world know the truth. cn