RE: Bring some excitement to your cooking!

Dang...I thought I was gonna be onto a good new recipe! That was a pretty unique funny!
I did run across a recipe for spinach stuffed chicken, while in the waiting room at the Dr. this morning. I think I might try it tonight.

Sounds good, let us know how it came out and share the recipe!

Maybe tonight...I got a last minute call for a music rehearsal with my brass group last night, so alas, it was fast food in the car.

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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

I'm the opposite. I think it's been 2-3 years since I last ate out. It bothered me when I would order something and it was not to my expectation. As a matter of fact, my son is a chef in a very exclusive restaurant. He cooked Christmas dinner this year. While it was all good, there was that little something missing.
Tonight I am fixing:
Baked pork chops - baked in a sauce of garlic, sage, lemon juice, and soy sauce.
Campin potatoes - I learned this years while camping a fews years ago on an Indian Reservation. I make this on the stove in a cast iron dutch oven. I sautee onions in butter, add large diced potatoes, lite seasoning, toppe by more butter. Cover. Dutch ovens do their own basting.
Steamed cauliflower and broccli, lightly seasoned, fresh not frozen.
While I am single, I cook every night for myself. When I was married I did most of the cooking too. My wife at the time did not have the patience to make tomato sauce from fresh tomatoes. She preferred to open cans of tomato sauce. I will make a batch of sauce about once a month and save in portions for different menus.
so, to answer you original question - no I am not bored with my own cooking.


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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

I seem to get that way too. Especially since my kids are picky eaters, Itend to make the same old things. I try to look in cook books and magazines for new things to try. I like to try foreign and exotic foods.

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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

Thank you all, for sharing your recipes!

With the nicer weather approaching, I love to grill. (have even been known to grill in the dead of winter - just tricky keeping the food warmfrom bbq to house, lol) I'm always looking for good marinades, meats and veggies) Any you'd like to share?

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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

Thanks, Tx, that sounds great! Here's one I think you, wall_e and others might enjoy.

Grilled Shrimp w/Jalapeno Pesto
2 TBS fresh chopped basil
2 cloves garlic
pinch of ground ginger
3 TBS Olive Oil
2 TBS chopped Jalapenos
2 TBS Sherry
salt and pepper to taste

Mix all above ingredients in a blender until smooth but still a little course. Stuff between shell and meat of jumbo shrimp. Grill!
Really easy, really tastey and looks beautiful with the green of the basil and the red of the shrimp.


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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

I also tend to use the same spices over and over again (Montreal Steak Spice, the best spice for steak ever) and it was starting to bother me as well. So you know what I did? I buy one or two new spices each and every time I shop. No real order or anything, completely random and whatever catches my eye. Then when I cook I try a bit of this and a bit of that and see what happens. Sure it's hit and miss, but I've discovered some fantastic flavours as a result.

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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

Hey Swifty, I don't know if you can get it where you are, but I like to marinate my steaks in olive oil with "Cavender's" all purpose Greek Seasoning, then slap them on a wood fire grill.... MMMMMMMMMMMMM

Now, I'm hungry again !!!!!! LOL


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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

LOL, Swifty...I do that on occasion, too. I've been known to say "Hope you don't enjoy dinner too much, 'cause you'll never get it again!" My husband calls it cooking with out a net - 90% of the time it's delicious, the other 10% - well, let's just say it's not a pretty site when you fall without a net, you can here the 'SPLAT' for miles around.

Love montreal steak seasoning - have tried it on just about everything. (doesn't work with chocolate pudding - SPLAT!)


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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

Errrrrrrrr, ........what are spices?

and all that meat is soooooooo BAD for you! ....

doesn't do the cow much good either!


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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

LOL Jen, was that the SPLAT I heard the other night????

Phil, all that meat may be bad for you, but it is sooooooooooo GOOD !!!!!! LOL


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