UK weather , rain .
Like many keen gardeners , I've been struggling to keep plants watered. All water butts were empty , and when your on a water meter , think twice before getting a hosepipe out . So this morning it was lovely to see a steady downpour . It does mean gardening jobs today will be restricted to indoor house plants .
I have had 1/2 inch rain in the last 24 hours so the vegetable patch is moist where I had dug the potatoes up form so hopefully this evening sprout plants will be planted. The lawn is still between green and brown. As going on a water meter 2 years ago I am more careful with the watering so is mainly with the hose pipe just to the plants which will give the best result with the water.
This morning it would have been too cold to be nude out doors but it is warm enough to be nude now.
I think this has been an amazing summer, hot and sunny, temperatures over 30 degrees in the London area , the rain was very welcome, Temperature here has dropped by 10 degrees which still makes it 20 degrees , the grass is looking slightly greener and I actually managed to have a good night's sleep for the first time in weeks,, Forecasts say weather is going to get warm and sunny by the end of this week so still some more opportunities for some visits to the nudist beach or sundeck at the sauna