
I've not done any nudity around the house, just not that daring yet!

You visit resorts and go running, and you drive naked, but you're not naked at home????

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I was walking naked in the New Forest, UK and no one for miles - so I thought! Suddenly, round a corner I came face to face with 6 schoolgirls on a Duke of Edinburgh expedition. I stopped to put on my skimpy shorts and was met with giggles and smiles. I wonder if they told their teacher?
It was silly of me to cover up when there was no need and they had seen me nude anyway

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I often hike nude and cover up when meeting other hikers. True they saw me at the same time as I saw them. So they know I've been naked. (And it's not illegal in Britain.) But it's a gesture in their favour as they can see more detail as they get closer. There are times when they come round a corner so close there isn't time to cover up. On those occasions I've had mixed reactions. Generally men are more likely to object than women.

BTW I too have experienced the giggling girls when they caught me naked. One time they cheered as I appeared (still naked) from behind a bush.

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