RE:SO have you been busted?

Ive been busted many times but a couple of more recent ones that stand out...A year ago I was going for a walk in the countryside and thought Id strip off as it was so quiet. Passing a corn field I thought Id get a couple of photos as it looked amazing. Set up my camera and with the timer did a few poses in the nude. Then I spotted a small group of ramblers in the corner of the field watching me. I grabbed my camera and ran off to hide in the corn, but didnt manage to get my clothes. I hid for a while waiting for them to pass, but when I came out my clothes had disappeared- theyd taken them, along with my bag and car keys. Massive panic as I made my way along the path totally nude trying to find something to cover up with!.

There is a stream near my house down a remote trail in the forest. I love to swim naked there but always afraid someone will take my clothes. I carry them across the stream which does not have access from the trail and leave them on the bank for safe keeping. I have been caught a few times by kayakers though.

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Gardener Surprise

Last week I looked out front to be sure the gardener was gone so I could go out, lock the gate and get some naked rays. I usually cruise the backyard in the buff so when I walked out the back door I pulled off my shirt and shorts and tossed them on the patio table. Completely nude, I walked around the corner of the house to see the gate fully open with my neighbors homes looking straight through. I made an about face to see the gardener kneeling by a sprinkler that he was repairing in the middle of the yard! I stopped at the table, replaced the shirt and shorts and went back inside. Oh well, well see if he lingers next week!

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RE:SO have you been busted?

Last week I was working in the lot down by my barn, off the side of the drive but not in sight of the hi way. Yeah, wearing flip flops because of the blackberry briars, but tha was it. Good friend came up the drive and saw my truck so came down to talk. You would have thought he would be used to seeing a naked old man, as we are the same age. Acted like he thought seeing me nude was going to turn him gay as he sat there!!! Started talking about baseball and fussing for me to put something on. Oh well, he knew I spent most of my time nude, now he calls before he gets there.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

Since I typed about the pool guy seeing me naked out in the backyard, several years ago, we've had a few new pool guys since then. We've had our current pool guy for about 3 years now and we really like him. He's caught me naked out back a couple of times but it was only because he arrived earlier than normal. Well... he did it again, this past Thursday, and arrived an hour and half earlier than normal. We'd just finished up some backyard trimming and cutting and decided to take a shower. My wife was done and wrapped in a towel. I was drying my hair off when he came around the corner of the house. He stopped momentarily and my wife and I just said, "come on back, it's okay." He did without hesitation and I continued to dry off as we talked and he went about his work.

A few minutes later I slipped on some shorts and went out to ask him a question and apologized for the exposure. What he said next made me/us feel better about incidental exposures from now on. He said that since he saw me the first time and I mentioned the fact that we were nudists, he now just expects to see us/me naked on occasion and hopes that it doesn't bother us. I asked him some questions and then told him that we appreciated his understanding and maturity in dealing with our lifestyle. I told him that he was welcome to work naked if it got too hot but he said he would probably take a rain check on that! ;DDD

I think the important thing to do is just go about your life normally. This is the way we live and our lawn guy and pool guy know this so there's no reason to hide or run into the house should the come to do the service at our home at a different time. Additionally, our Pest control guy has been with us for 6-7 years now and he's seen me naked out back and in the garage. He too saw me because he came on a different day than he does usually.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

A few time.... I don't call it busted, I call it seen lol...
A few years ago I was laying out tanning and fell asleep, I hear some banging look around and see 3 roofers across the canal from me working on the roof. 2 of the guys were looking in my direction, I waved and layed back down.
About 5 or 6 months ago I finally hooked up my outdoor shower, I haven't showered inside the house since. A few months ago, I went out to the shower and started to shower, you know that feeling you get when you feel someone is watching you LOL.... I look up towards the front of my house and there's a roofer right next door, I'd say 20 - 25 feet away up on the edge of the roof. I wave at him and say to myself well screw it he's already seen me and finish my shower.. I dry off, throw the towel over my shoulder and start walking back towards my back slider. His back was to me and like I said he already seen me, I said excuse me, do you do any side work? I need the edging on the roof of my patio re caulked. He gave me a price, I got dressed for work and went over and handed him a check to do the work... I'm 53 now and I just don't care who sees me anymore lol... I have a 6' board on board fence with 2' foot of lattice on top, if someone looks over 8' and sees me that's their problem, I took every effort to not be seen

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RE:SO have you been busted?

I've been "busted" by everybody from the neighbor, to the pool guy, to the lawn guys--and even the meter man once. My reaction is always the same. I just say, "Well, you know we are nudists--as you can tell from all the clothing optional signs, right?" And then I just continue to do whatever it is I was doing. Run inside? For what? My house, my rules.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

My wife was away for the day and I was in the back yard vacuuming the swimming pool in the nude. The house was locked so there was little chance that I would be surprised. My mother-in law had a key to the house and let herself in, walked through the house and came out the back calling out a greeting. There she was, standing by the table where I had left my very brief bikini underwear, and I had to walk around the pool in full view and up to her to find any cover at all. Now this is an older woman with a strict
religious upbringing who I assumed would be shocked by what she saw. I welcomed her, asked if she would like a cup of coffee, and she accepted and went inside. I stopped to put on my red briefs, just a couple of tiny red triangles really, and proceeded to the kitchen to make coffee. I decided given what she had already seen, there was no point in putting on more. We had a nice visit and she left for home. I expected she would express her disapproval to my wife but to my amazement it was never mentioned.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

Yes I have been busted doing various things on wooded trails. The reactions range from outrage to a woman stripping down and walking with me, she had always wanted to but never had the guts until I convinced her to experience what she was missing. Been caught by old women walking on a bike/jogging trail, dog walkers, numerous fisherman, (who never seem to care). I have even caught others doing way worse then me. Those are whole other stories not appropriate for these forums lol.

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RE: SO have you been busted?

No vacuum sales rep for me. However i did have a woman who was doing a census report try her hardest to come in despite me being naked and making it clear to her i was not lying. Looking back now I guess she was quite possibly a nudist also and I should of just invited her in for some tea.
Ow well, hind sight is a bitch and I possibly missed out on a good time one way or another. FML

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RE:SO have you been busted?

Busted by older lady neighbour embarrassing but liked it too lol xxx

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