RE:SO have you been busted?

I sort of just got busted by the mailman. I hang out in my garage which we refer to as the club. One of my workbenches faces the door but I've installed a modesty panel in the front.
Lo and behold he pulls up the driveway and Parks right in front of me. He didn't see me at first but got out of this Jeep and started to walk toward the garage with an Amazon package. I commented to him hot out here today isn't it. He saw me sitting behind my bench but only could see my upper torso bare. He looked at me a bit startled, saw me sitting behind the bench, of course I didn't stand up and just gave me a big smile. Walked up hand me the package and said it looks like it might rain as he was walking away. Yep I think so. He got back in his Jeep and pulled away.
I guess that's sort of busted. I'm pretty sure he knew I didn't have any clothes on. Seemed apparent by the grin on his face.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

I've been naked for parcel and mail deliveries frequently and sometimes have not been able to cover up.
Most frequently I wrap a towel round myself but on many occasions it has slipped while I was signing for the package, giving the delivery man (or woman) a full frontal view.
I have never had any adverse reaction.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

One time about 20-25 years ago everyone was at work or school except me so I was watching TV enjoying the rare moment when the Jahovas came walking up to the house. Now this was getting bad as my 12 y.o. brother in law talked to them a couple of weeks earlier so now they were coming by every other day. The best part is they alwaye had a young child with them so people wouldn't be rude or mean to them because of the kid. So anyways I see them coming and decide what the hell lets end this. I wait for the knock, and awnswered the door, compleatly naked. The look of utter shock on the two ladys faces was priceless, the little kid was trying to see as one of them was trying to cover their eyes. I very friendly and politely invite them in so we can talk. The two woman were so flustered and turning beet red just left, they hurried to their van and left. Leaving me standing naked in the doorway. The topper of the whole thing is that the JW's and the Morman's as well as other groups never knocked on our door again for almost 20 years after that. I would see them at all my neighbors, but they always passed our house, I guess we were on a do not knock list or something.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

We had a JW father and son who came around the neighborhood every few weeks. I had no problem talking with them and even taking their leaflets that they hand out. As long as they aren't trying to actively recruit me, I don't mind talking with them. What I did have problems with was the non-stop interruptions from the three cable companies in our area trying to get our business (always coming by while we were having dinner), so I finally hung up a "No Soliciting" sign and even told the father that wasn't for them. I don't know if that scared off the JW, but none have been back since (haven't seen the father and son but have seen others in the neighborhood). Sometimes the cable companies still come by and knock on the door, and I point to the sign and say can't you read?

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RE:SO have you been busted?

I suppose that was one way to handle things!

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RE:SO have you been busted?

I have a question to ask which relates to being busted.

Has your profile been found or found a profile on TN by a friend which you didn't realize liked the cloths free life?

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RE:SO have you been busted?

Not my profile but in real life. An older married couple had worked for me a few years earlier and we had become casual friends. She had died about one year earlier when he decided to make a cross-country trip to visit old acquaintances. He called me about 10 minutes before he arrived at my home and I was out walking my dog. So we both arrived at my driveway at the same time. I did not have time to remove a variety of nude and erotic framed photos in my bathroom and bedroom.
As we went into my home he asked to use the bathroom. So I pointed the way and put the dog in the back yard. He returned to the living room with a big smile. "I didn't know you were a nudist. Those are some nice photos and I like the little ditty about being nude. My wife and I have been nudists for 30 years." So both of us started undressing at the same time and we spent a nude afternoon talking and sharing dinner. He left and we have never had the chance to meet up again.

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RE: SO have you been busted?

I am naked around the house and remain that way unless I have to go out. One day I was on the phone and was finally talking to the person after a long, long time on hold. There was a knock on the door and without thinking, still talking on the phone, I opened the door and motioned for the person to come in. Noticing the shock on his face I realized that I was nude and walked to the bedroom for some shorts. This friend wasn't really bothered, just surprised. Most people that know I am a nudist will call before they come by if they don't want to see me naked. I have a lot of friends that don't care and will sometimes hang naked with me.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

I have a question to ask which relates to being busted.Has your profile been found or found a profile on TN by a friend which you didn't realize liked the cloths free life?

No, not our TN profile but a couple of friends, one from HS and one very close friend, did some exploring of my Facebook profile and realized I had liked and was a member of several club and resort pages and a member of a few nudist groups on Facebook. I thought it would open the doors of communication on the subject but it was momentary and they both cut the conversation short. I'm sure they realize we live a clothes free life but don't seem to want to discuss it! :DDD

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RE:SO have you been busted?

Yea many times the most memorable one was when my nephew came over and just walked in and there i was naked watching tv on sofa.
It surprised him but he was ok I asked if i should get some cloths on out of respect but he said my house do what make me comfortable.
Of course after that he wasn't surprised anymore but once in a while he brought a friend and the friends would get beet red for about 10 mins then they would be ok.
Was kind of a going joke for us but everyone else always called before coming so i could put cloths on.

One other time i was mopping my house with front door open but storm door closed (just a glass door thing) and some people come and rang bell and looked in and well there I was mopping in the nude in plain site so since they looked in i just went and opened door listened and then sent them off.

Nothing wrong with it just happens at times

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