RE:SO have you been busted?

Been busted a few times when sunbathing in back garden. Didn't hear doorbell so people come round the back. Couple of times by neighbours, who hurried away and don't mention it. More than a few times by delivery drivers, they all seem to just accept it and carry on as normal.Only one who comments is the one who has seen me so often they comment if I am dressed.

This and other posts have talked about delivery drivers and others walking around to the backyard. I think this shows how things are very different in different parts of the country. Here you would never see anyone walking around to the backyard of a home uninvited. Seems very strange to me that people would even consider doing that.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

This and other posts have talked about delivery drivers and others walking around to the backyard. I think this shows how things are very different in different parts of the country. Here you would never see anyone walking around to the backyard of a home uninvited. Seems very strange to me that people would even consider doing that.

People are more and more afraid of being shot. We used to have missionaries come through the garden and up to the house. No more. Even census workers are now counseled not to open a gate to enter a yard. Federal Express drivers will sometimes drop a package at our gate and back 400 feet down our driveway, despite the sign on the gate identifying it as for livestock, not people, and urging them to come through.

If busted is the word, I've certainly been in the garden when missionaries came up. The Jehovah's Witnesses and Unification Church folks retreat instantly; the LDS a couple of times have seemed perfectly comfortable discussing the Book of Mormon with me while I was in my usual gardening costume.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

Walking the dog a couple of weeks ago and decided after coming of the fields not to bother to put my shorts on to go along the lane to the village which at that time of the day I don't see anybody about, and started to walk along and realised there was a car in a gateway so I decided to walk the other way and coming around a bend I saw a lady walking her dog as well so I put my shorts on as quick as I could but she must have seen I was nude. We had a quick chat how hot it was for a bank holiday and I had been working in the garden and one of her grown up sons thought it was too hot to work in the garden. When I get a chance I will tel her about been nude in the garden etc but with both of us with boisterous dogs it is hard to stop to have a chat.

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camping in far north queensland

looking for a lady or couple who would like to go camping/gold detecting I will be setting of from Cairns on the 23rd of this month [September] for 2 weeks see my profile for photos
cheers goldfinder

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RE:camping in far north queensland

looking for a lady or couple who would like to go camping/gold detecting I will be setting of from Cairns on the 23rd of this month [September] for 2 weeks see my profile for photoscheers goldfinder

Sorry you have posted in the wrong place.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

Walking the dog a couple of weeks ago and decided after coming of the fields not to bother to put my shorts on to go along the lane to the village which at that time of the day I don't see anybody about, and started to walk along and realised there was a car in a gateway so I decided to walk the other way and coming around a bend I saw a lady walking her dog as well so I put my shorts on as quick as I could but she must have seen I was nude. We had a quick chat how hot it was for a bank holiday and I had been working in the garden and one of her grown up sons thought it was too hot to work in the garden. When I get a chance I will tel her about been nude in the garden etc but with both of us with boisterous dogs it is hard to stop to have a chat.

Update I did see her this evening when we were both dog walking, and she didn't realise when she first saw me that day I was nude and we had a chat and she said people been nude in the garden is quite normal on hot days so I don't think she blamed me for been nude. So next year if I see her coming I wont have to worry about covering up.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

This morning I was getting some sun on the back deck, handling a phone call for work, when I hear a truck pulling down the gravel driveway. I peer around the corner of the house and my pest control guy, who was scheduled to come in the afternoon, in fact told me when we scheduled it that he didnt know what time he would be by exactly, but definitely after noon, is getting out of his truck! I have no clothes anywhere near, so wrapped the towel I had been sitting on around my waist and called hello. He went about his business and I sat back down to finish my call. Had a few more conversational exchanges with him, showed him a flying ant I had found in the house, all while wrapped in the towel. He made no mention of my state of attire, and didnt act like there was anything unusual about the situation.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

When I was a kid I wait till my mom and sister went out food shopping and I get nude and run around I was in the basement playing darts and playing the radio when I heard a voice what was I doing it was my mom she came back she had forgotten something , I told her I was playing darts she said I can see that but wear are your clothes I told her I was hot and wanted to cool off

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RE:camping in U.K. U.K. U.K. U.K

A little over a year ago my wife and I were staying with my MIL while waiting for our new home to be renovated. In the mornings, my 74-year-old MIL would start her day with coffee reading the paper (yes, the kind printed on paper) and/or do things with her phone. I moved my nude morning workout and yoga to the basement, in front of the gas fireplace for warmth. My MIL had not varied her morning routine. I didnt even mention working out naked, as to not draw attention to being nude in her basement. One morning, while doing a nude yoga routine, she came down the steps into the basement to start some laundry. As she turned at the bottom of the steps there I was, with my nude backside visible to her. She told me to not turn over. I kept going, acting completely normal and natural. She went back upstairs while I was doing the same routine. Trying to give it a humorous bent, I later put up a sign in that area; Nude Yoga, 7:00-8:00.

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RE:camping in U.K. U.K. U.K. U.K

The other day we we were both home but busy doing things so decided to order a pizza instead of cooking.
So I decided to cool off and relax until the pizza came and sat back on the patio enjoying some fresh air. Wasn't too concerned about the pizza delivery because the backyard is private and he always comes to the front door.
Not that day,he must have heard the music in the backyard and figured he'd just come around to the back gate. I think he got a bit of a surprise. I only caught a glimpse of him for a second before he backed up back through the gate and stood there and said Pizza.
I told him my wife would be back to pay him in a moment but he was welcome to come in the back and wait if he would like however I don't have any clothes on. He opted to stay just out of eye shot of the patio while my wife went and got her cash and we continue to chat from around the corner. He probably won't be delivering to the backyard anymore.

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