When new people move in next door.

The single story house next door have new tenants moving in, but as most of the garden fence on that side is high enough not to be seen over it will be nude as normal in my garden, and if they decide to stretch up and look over the fence just too bad if they see me nude.

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RE:When new people move in next door.

yep, they have no business peering, if they do and are shocked, let em be shocked. Nude views shouldn't shock anyone. Living close to neighbors can always mean some interaction with them, and it's good to have good neighbor relations. I never lived with close neighbors, they were always out of sight through the woods, and the last 32 years we've been a long ways from neighbors, except that our good friends living a mile behind, drive through our place to get to theirs. But my nude gardens are out of sight from the drive.

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RE:When new people move in next door.

Last year the neighbours over our back wall started pruning their trees a lot. This was to help them sell the property as the trees did impact on the amount of sun they got in the after afternoons. This was successful so now we have new neighbours who also have more access to our garden than the old ones did.

Yesterday was the first time the weather allowed us in the garden, and Mar was a little concerned. We soon stopped being concerned and just enjoyed the garden.

We'll have to see whether it causes a problem but I doubt it.

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RE:When new people move in next door.

We got new neighbors on both sides of our house within a year of each other.

One side has a low, chain link fence. The previous tenant never used their back yard and had blankets over the windows, so I got used to being naked out back. When the new neighbor moved in, I simply mentioned to him that we like to be nude out back. He was totally fine with it and has seen me several times since then. He just bought the house this year :)

The other side has a 6 ft wooden fence that was missing some boards when they moved in. The previous tenants were rather reclusive and rarely used their back yard. I was nude in the back yard when the new couple was outside discussing how much work it was going to take to clean up their yard. I poked my head over the fence and welcomed them to the neighborhood. I mentioned that we work nude and they said it would not be a problem for them. I was sunning on the patio when Ms Nude (not nude at the time) invited her over to show her her flowers, peppers, and herbs.

Maybe I just got lucky with great neighbors, but I think greeting new neighbors is the perfect time to let them know that they might see nudity.

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RE:When new people move in next door.

Last year the neighbours over our back wall started pruning their trees a lot. This was to help them sell the property as the trees did impact on the amount of sun they got in the after afternoons. This was successful so now we have new neighbours who also have more access to our garden than the old ones did.Yesterday was the first time the weather allowed us in the garden, and Mar was a little concerned. We soon stopped being concerned and just enjoyed the garden.We'll have to see whether it causes a problem but I doubt it.

Last month our new neighbours cut down the connifers that lined the wall between our gardens. Now most of our garden is visible to them, including the bench near the house.

This weekend was the first time I have had the chance to be in the garden and we have indeed lost a lot of privacy, although we still have the bottom corner of the garden. The problem I have is that Mar does not want to be seen, and does not want me to be seen either which will limit things somewhat.

Oddly, she doesn't seem to be worried about the neighbours to the right seeing us through their illegally fitted skylights because it's their fault

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