Body Acceptance

Ive had a weight issue all of my adult life. It wasnt too bad in my younger adult years where I was 40-50 lbs overweight. As time went on, and lots of boring details later, Ive ended up at about 180 lbs over my ideal weight.

So, because of this, I was ashamed of how my body looked. I would try different diets and exercise with some success only to eventually put the weight back on. My wife is the same way.

In August, 2017, I decided to start the path to body acceptance and gradually returned to being a home nudist so as to not shock my wife with the change. My path included setting up a profile on a couple of social media sites which dont restrict what someone deems inappropriate (I.e. not Facebook).

Here, I posted some pictures of me doing casual things such as morning coffee, doing laundry, etc. (much like the photos I have on here). I started following other naturists/nudists and started seeing many others with bodies that werent super model perfect.

Ive since made some online nudist friends who have been fantastic in helping me gain body acceptance. My photos have been getting likes and positive comments, boosting my self esteem and self image.

I now enjoy sharing pictures of me doing things when Im naked and I enjoy seeing pictures of others enjoying their nude life.

Now, its time to get my wife to become accepting of her body. She was severely body shamed by her first husband when she wasnt able to get her figure back after having their children.

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RE:Body Acceptance

Wow, can I relate! I've always been a "big guy" and was even diagnosed with hypothyroidism as a kid. I'm currently about 150 pounds overweight and having a hard time getting rid of any of it due to age and lifestyle. Although I've been a solitary home nudist for quite awhile, i had some encouragement to break out of my she'll which led me to joining here. With me, it's not just the weight but some serious abdominal scars from major surgery due to a shooting I was victim of almost thirty years ago. It's not been that I'm ashamed of anyone else seeing the scars, it's that they're a constant reminder to me of a time in my life I'd just as soon forget. Now that I'm here on the site as a member and exploring more, I really think my friend's suggestion to relax a bit on my own self image negativity was right.

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