Help Ingrown Hairs
My partner suggested that I try her epilator to avoid ingrown hairs as she didn't get any after epilating, as well as to reduce the amount of time spent on regular shaving. I'd not had a lot of ingrowing hairs but gave it a go to see how it went. Some friends had said that they could not get used to how epilation felt and we'd seen others online reporting that it was not for them. It did take a little while to get used to it but I'm still using this method. I've had no ingrown hairs since and best of all I stay smooth for much longer. Re-growth seems to have slowed down and the hair is somewhat finer, hopefully that trend will continue and I'll need to do it even less. I can't see myself ever not wanting to be a smoothie or a nudist so that is fine by me.
I have a mangroomer electric and your right I don't get the bumps like the razor. But I like the smoother feel from the razor. May have to stick to electric tho
that is the trade off i agree the razor does give a smooth shave but also can cause bumps, with the mangroomer you can feel the difference slightly but if you look you can't tell. it's friday i used my mangroomer wednesday and just lifted my leg and still looks smooth but if i run my hand across my skin i can feel it's not super smooth.