But how much do you love it?

The prior post (by Funtastic) got me thinking, so took a little look through the members. There are certainly some other members whose sincerity might be questioned. Funtastic isn't the only one who hasn't uploaded any pics. Come on. You love to show your nude body? Then show it!

(Additionally, as with other groups on TN, there is the occasional dead profile in the group. There should be a cleanup as part of deleting ones profile that automatically removes it from friend lists and groups, but failing that, maybe the admin can take a look at things and clean things up.)

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RE:But how much do you love it?

At the last count I had over 2,000 fully nude photos on this site - and many 1,000's on other sites. YES I do really like to be seen naked.

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RE:But how much do you love it?

A quick look through the profiles beginning with 'A' indicates that there may be 25-30% of members here with fairly blank profiles, at the least. There are private profiles with no profile photo of any sort, let alone a bit of nudity showing, lots of profiles where no photos are visible to a casual browse, it may be different if you're a friend of theirs. But as said above this is supposed to be a group where people who love to be seen nude share their nude photos. A good proportion of members here do that and its good to see these fellow nudists, its a shame that more here don't also show themselves to be nudists.

If this was a group for people who like to see nudists it would probably be called something along those lines.

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