You ae right. Nudism is about undressing among like minded people. There is a certain excitement that goes with it, but this should not mean taking women as pure sexual objects by men.

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Sometimes I think a lot of people think this is just another hook up site. The naked body can be respectfully admired without adding the sexual quotient to it. No different from admiring somebody that is nicely clothed. Show some manners. There are a lot of trolls here so just block them and move on.

Many of these so called nudist sites are run as the meaning of nudist means sex and I have looked at some and that what they look like and that is most likely the reason people get confused and by pushing the gallery so much also that people think that the photos are just taken from other sites and other than the gallery belong to the person who has posted then on this site.

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I am against making it certified members only because it effectively bars fledgling nudists who use this site to find out about nudism.
They will be too shy to comply with the certification rules but in my experience you can easily reassure the genuine about the lack of sexuality and/or disillusion those who are looking for sex, especially in private chat.
I realise that is not to everybody's taste but it is an important part of the job that sites like this should be performing.

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I'm so passionate about the nudist lifestyle that I get saddened when others don't respect it like I do. I think nudism is the most beautiful thing there is and it is not to be degraded into sex (unless in appropriate venues). But so many others don't get that. Not sure we'll ever make them understand. What is the solution here? IMHO just keep educating people, or you may unintentionally weed out newcomers that you would want to understand how we true nudists feel about the lifestyle. At least that's what I think.


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Sadly when even a "true" nudist website gets it twisted with their advertising about "You're Missing A Lot", with hands over privates, what many men and unfortunately even some women now, need to understand, as a TRUE nudist, or naturist in my case, it's tiresome to be objectified, hit on, gawked at, space invaded, inappropriate comments, advances and even worse...SHOW RESPECT. If you want more women to feel safe being nude than be a real man and show some class or at least human decency. It's bad enough when it happens on a "true" nudist website but when it happens at public nude beaches, private resorts... it's enough to discourage even me, a pretty bold woman, who has no problem calling inappropriateness out, pause and reconsideration to public nudity.Keep it clean and fun on here and in public and more woman may feel safe enough to feel the joy of being nude.

This was always nagging me ( the ad), but I also want to say if you need a hand off in calling it out or just back up please send me a message with a pointer to the problem area. I try my best to do it as some of the really crass stuff arises but I miss things and I am also far from perfect. I am also deeply sorry that such a thoughtful person (judging by your words) has to experience what I know to be true about our spaces, virtual or physical.

Women need to feel safe to feel free. Why can't we all get behind that and this poster's (love2be) simple call for RESPECT? Hurts my heart.

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Sadly the lack of respect is not just exclusive to this site. It happens and has happened out in the "real world" for quite some time. Times have changed and it's like younger guys aren't taught how to treat a women. I work in construction, and have worked with several females and it's like open season on crude comments and especially profanity...and the women take just so they can feel like "one of the guys."My hat's off to Love2BinMyGlory and all the women on this site. Guys don't be crude, open that door, pull out that chair, take off your hat, and have some respect.

I really want us to try to consider not throwing ageism into the mix. Obviously, life long nudist and naturist mature and decent men are examples of the community and so they should be. But those aren't the only nude older men in the mix. Just as the young, deliberately naive and aggressively demeaning young men (in trades or on wall street same trash) are not indicative of all young men. I work with young nudists at a remove (albeit mostly GBTQ) and they are laser sharp on issues of oppression and accommodation. My point is not that you're wrong, the examples are right, but they aren't universal.

Values are shared, and socially mandated, mediated, and enforced. We all know there is a gap in older nudies and younger ones, and less taking it up at least in the traditional groups. But to the OP's point, young women, hyper aware and very empowered who go to try nudism are almost always repulsed by some truly epic BS. Then it is done. And they tell their friends, and the men who they know won't try because young single men find it very hard and it can be isolating, partly their actions partly suspicions as traditions. I've watched it unfold on our beach. Two self proclaimed beach cops were trying to almost strip people...and chased a woman and her partner through the trees out the lawn... and of course, this was the story that was in the paper...not the textile harassment and sexual assaults on other beaches, not the constant pictures gawking rude comments.

The papers reported this as if we all had endorsed the men (not tried to oust them). Hundreds of comments about our perversions and the children and how they will never be one now. So, in Toronto, gay and bi nudism has exploded because we are not subject to aspersions about morality not already in play (and our lawyer happens to be the architect of the beach clothing optional and seasonal event nudity allowance), younger gay and bi men are picking it up, and the mainstream mixed groups struggle because IF the media (and social media is young people and social media drives the public interest trends) has nudism in the front sections, it's a hit piece on how shit we are. It's true misogyny and sexism are rampant. But these pieces pretend it's in the 50 nude folx and magically not in the 400 textiles.

The solution is to demand that the cities and states and municipals who run the beach next to every nude beach seriously work to combat sexism and create ways for women to be safe and comfortable. Hand out tickets. Put the party pigs on a barge in the water. Women's only shade and seating spaces (small ones but refuges with an attendant)... and when the textiles take charge of this issue, the sore thumbs in our groups will emerge and can be encouraged to reform or step off. We do this already at our beach but it's 99% textiles causing the problem.

Also, yes, society is a mess, but violent crime is down in the US since the 60's, Nazi Germany was pretty bad, so was the civil war and slavery, and so on. Sure, respect is not taught. Nor is it given. Why is that? Whose fault is it? I'm a college teacher and I teach young people. I find none of the stuff everyone says is their way. I also make a point to teach humanism and fundamental respect for all. I love the cranky older members but lord, some of the vitriol (ok we all can be a bit pointy) has no respect in it at some of the stuff posted by younger members is also off key. But as older men and women, is it not OUR responsibility to educated and help those who are just arriving rather than stomp on them for what they don't know? It's not like there is a President who leads in that regard. Which is the most tragic thing but that is not the fault of the kids. It's important to find the bad and to root it out, but let's please not dismiss youth as lost and degraded. We need young people for the future and I can only teach so many.

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Kind of interesting that this thread is in my feed on the day of Aretha Franklin's death.

RIP Aretha


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On my Spotify today listening to the queen of soul. Rest in peace Aretha I'll always love your music!

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Well said. It seems that so many of the younger generation are simply not taught how to be polite, and to show respect for others. Unfortunately, there may not be any way to reverse the trend.

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Well said. It seems that so many of the younger generation are simply not taught how to be polite, and to show respect for others. Unfortunately, there may not be any way to reverse the trend.What a load of crap, who are the mentors of this younger generation? oh of course the older ones so who is not showing respect? the younger ones or the parents that have failed them in so many ways. It is generalised statements like this that cause a lack of respect not build it. Respect is earn't not granted and sorry but I see very few examples of older generations earning such.

It seems your "load of crap" statement is made without reading and comprehending what you quoted from the previous poster. He stated, "It seems that so many of the younger generation "are simply not taught" how to be polite and respect others."

You just called what he said, a " load of crap" and then stated what he had said but with a lot more words!

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