The lack of respect and objectification of women (primarily) and men (increasingly, check out Abercrombie & Fitch) leads to a lack of respect of individuals. As good consumers, at least for men used to women being disregarded, we seldom speak up. So who could expect any change at a place where people have chosen to be naked and more vulnerable like a nudist resort? Let's show respect by speaking up to increase awareness of objectification and the lack of respect used to make people afraid enough to pay for more crap they don't need.

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The thing that frustrates me is that this is a site that we as nudist go to talk with others and enjoy. Yet it seems a lot of people come here and say they are a nudist just so they can look at pictures all day and get turned on. It is more of a sexual thing for them. Just go through the gallery and you will see comment after comment on some guy commenting on some girl's body part and making it sexual.

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Getting inappropriate comments, advances and being objectified, hit on, gawked at, space invaded is very tiresome and makes you feel very uncomfortable and unappreciated. And It's almost on a daily basis you get confronted with that kind of behaviour.

A little bit of respect goes a long way.

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treat other members as you would if your mother aunts and grandmother were present. :)

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There is a proverb in German:
"Was du nicht willst, dass man dir tu, das fg auch keinem andern zu."

Translation with google:
What you do not want to be done to you, do not add to any other.

Write only comments that you would like to hear from others about you.

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can't get any better than that.

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Good point which honors the meaning of respect. "Re" = twice and "spect" = look at. To look at twice. Maybe as men we look the first glance and see an object because our brain is wired that way. The trick is to remember to look at the second time to appreciate the whole beauty of one another, on the inside and out, and to know that it is all good. Be well.

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Respect is the right of everyone. Unfortunately, sometimes the people on this site forget that or, perhaps, never knew it to begin with. Nudism is supposed to support this ideal that allows interaction amongst nudists to be without shame, discomfort or sexualization (if that's even a word). Without respect there can be no true fellowship amongst like-minded people if there are ulterior motives. Five minutes in the chatroom can leave one very disappointed with so many threads sounding like a bad pick-up bar. Similarly, many pix in the galleries are simply porn and do not convey respect for nudism or the person being photographed.

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This is a matter of culture. I,ve been in places where nobody even question that everybody (not only women but special) deserves respect, this is somthing natural, you can socialize being naked same as dressed, no difference, but this is a matter of mature minded people. Usually you cant spect this in a public beach, as a woman I know what i am going to find there.

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Good point which honors the meaning of respect. "Re" = twice and "spect" = look at. To look at twice. Maybe as men we look the first glance and see an object because our brain is wired that way. The trick is to remember to look at the second time to appreciate the whole beauty of one another, on the inside and out, and to know that it is all good. Be well.

I haven't visited forum for a few months and am encouraged by the responses, thank you all. I really appreciate all the input, insights, wisdom... I had never thought of the word RE SPECT as, "to look at twice". So insightful. We ALL get to be wonderfully human and make mistakes, at times hurting ourselves and others but being human also means we are above the animals and get to chooooose, it's unfortunate some lack the fortitude to evaluate their thoughts, actions... and realize there may be a better way. God Bless you all, keep up the good fight. Some just need help recognizing nudism/naturism is a beautiful, shameless, wondrous, gift and we ALL need to hold one another in the highest regard as fellow beings. RESPECT!

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