If you want to participate in the California Coastal Cleanup Day
and want to find a beach location, go here: www.coastal.ca.gov/publiced/ccd/ccd.html
If you want to particiate in Bates Beach cleanup, please take note:
"While we appreciate those of you who just show up at the last minute, if we have a
head count ahead of time we can better prepare with enough rubber gloves, bags, and pens.
Please bring your friends, kids, neighbors, etc." - friendsofbatesbeach.org/beachcleanup.html
Wanna hang out at the beach?
Enjoy the sun, surf, wind, maybe get some tan (I said tan, not sunburn).
A chance to get away from the computer/tablet (leave the "intelligent"
discussions on fake profiles, erections, shaving, penis threads),
and actually get to meet and greet fellow nudists/naturists.
Details at: friendsofbatesbeach.org
Summer is here.
Time to get out and greet old friend(s).
Maybe, make a new friend or two.
June 17 - Beach cleanup and picnic with other clubs
July 8 - Beach Picnic with other clubs
August 20 - Beach Picnic with other clubs
Have fun and enjoy your summer.
For more events, check: friendsofbatesbeach.org
Heads up!
California Coastal Cleanup Day
September 23, 2023
source: www.coastal.ca.gov/publiced/ccd/ccd.html