I find that I prefer to have no body or genital adornments, with the occasional exception of nice cock-ball rings, and always being full-body smooth.
My motto is: "The Fit, Fully Nude, Fully Exposed Human Form the True Art Form" I think I was first drawn to being full-body-smooth by my attraction to the mostly smooth appearances of Greek-Roman sculpture form a young age. But, I was permanently hooked after being required to shave my body smooth of all hair outside my Speedo-lines for high school swim team league finals each year. And even more so when I found how much my smoothness stimulated my girlfriend...after our first sexual encounter following my shave-down, and our extreme stimulation, we both immediately decided to shave full-body-smooth, and then, have more sexual activity; the sex then want off-the-charts!
I feel my full-body-smoothness displays all of my human forms and their natural beauty much more effectively and forcefully to all viewers.