RE:Coffee, any time of day ...

best save the coffee and cake until breakfast to give you something nice to dream about!

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RE:Coffee, any time of day ...

Andy, don't you dare blaming a sweet and innocent slice of chocolate cake! Can't accept that! You know perfectly well the coffee is the one to blame :-PP^_^

:DDD, I do know that I'm being blamed for keeping Di awake or waking her up earlier than she'd like, because of my terrible sleep patterns. Wide awake again at 4 am! I'll have to resist the 8 pm cup of Jo, switch to decaf at night but on your advice, Wolf girl, I will continue with the chocolate cake! :DDD

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RE:Coffee, any time of day ...

I gave up coffee a couple of years ago. I never drank it black. I liked a little coffee with my cream and sugar. I preferred flavored coffee creams. Now that i've quit my blood pressure has dropped tremendously (because of the sugar). Took a few days for the headaches to go away from cold turkeying. Now when I do use sugar in something it's coconut sugar or agave (low glysemic index).

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RE:Coffee, any time of day ...

Out back. Anytime - I tend to drink it a lot! And I'll probably continue to do so until Doc says my blood pressure is affected. Good thing I'm good so far!

Good coffee needs nothing to cover the natural flavor - strait up is best!

That being said, though, Pumpkin Spice is back!


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