Coffee, any time of day ...

... so when's your favorite time for coffee while nude? Morning, evening ... or do you drink coffee all day long? If so, are you able to drink your coffee throughout the day, naked?

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RE:Coffee, any time of day ...

one or two cups waking up on one of decks or in front of my computrt

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RE:Coffee, any time of day ...

Hello Dear Friend!

Cheri, don't forget to join the group! Love, love, love to have you as part of the group!

;-) A&D

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RE:Coffee, any time of day ...

I tend to drink coffee all day at work. It's hit and miss at home & I use a Keurig to make my cup of Joe. However, when home in The AM, I do enjoy my coffee au natural - usually at least 2 cups!

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RE:Coffee, any time of day ...

For me ... Coffee in the morning, hot. Usually just one cup but sometimes two or three, if we have company and we're sitting around talking and drinking it. Later in the afternoon, sometimes Iced Coffee. We also use a Keurig and we bought the unit that has the Carafe. I'll brew a pot and then let it cool and then make my Iced Coffee.

I used to have a serious Starbucks habit. While still working, I'd visit Starbucks 4-5 times a day! After I retired, my wife and kids bought me the Keurig and all kinds of pods. It sure cut down my visits to SBs. Of course, like most all of us nudists here, I have my coffee naked most everyday. Even when we have guests spend the night, I'll have my first cup naked in the office and have shorts and t shirt handy for when others start to wake up. Depending on who it is, sometimes just a light robe is all I'll put on but if it's nudist friends ... naked is the norm!

Spent an entire day ... 7 am to 8-9 pm one day, only wearing my lightweight robe, drinking coffee, having breakfast and then lunch and then dinner, with my wife and her sister. She seemed fine with it and I really didn't want to get dressed. That's the second time that's happened. The first time was at her house. Coffee was the key element in us chillin' together and not getting outta of those comfy coverings.

In a couple weeks, we have very close nudist friends coming to stay for several days. Morning coffee naked everyday and up until we leave the house for wine tasting and lunch! Can't wait for them to get here!


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RE:Coffee, any time of day ...

Like coffee as thick as mud, high octane !!!!

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RE:Coffee, any time of day ...

How about this one......naked late afternoon coffee, after drying-off-after-stuffing-everything-in-the-shed-in-the-middle-of a-clean-out-and-preparation-to-mow-the-lawn-to-avoid-a-crazy-pop-up-thunderstorm-coffee!

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RE:Coffee, any time of day ...

My day starts at 3:40am first thing I do is to turn on the coffee maker I have at least 2 cups before I have to get dressed for work then a bug cup o my way to work and I must have at least 4 -6 cups during the day

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RE:Coffee, any time of day ...

Glad for ya both, relaxed and drivin' nude

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RE:Coffee, any time of day ...

Anytime of the day I'm up for a cup. If I'm naked all the better.

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RE:Coffee, any time of day ...

Morning coffee at my textile Jersey shore campground. For Labor Day weekend, too cold in the AM (below 60F) with a forecast to a high of 70F! The morning joe, much like a warmed liquor (i.e., mulled wine), tastes just a bit better on these chilly mornings! Unfortunately, the cold morning only serves as a reminder that winter is right around the corner! =-{

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