Hi Group!

I just turned 63 last month so I think I should fit right in with this group (if you'll have me). I've been letting my weeds grow so I'd have a good excuse to get out in my garden this weekend and get my first sunburn of the summer on my backside.

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RE:Hi Group!

Howdy, and welcome! That sounds like as good a reason as any for letting the weeds grow. :-)

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RE:Hi Group!

Thank you rrfalcon! I think I'll sit in my beach chair and water the lawn to even out my sunburn. :-) , with a beer in my other hand of course.

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RE:Hi Group!

A sunburn really is no fun. Use sunscreen and enjoy your time in the sun and afterwards when you're sitting down pain-free appreciative of your work in the garden.

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RE:Hi Group!

You are right traildoc, sunburns are no fun at all. Thank you for the tip and the concern.

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