Doctor Who - Series 10

Surely in the Nude Geeks group someone besides me must be watching!

What are you thoughts? New direction... a time for heroes. New companion. And Capaldi's final year as the Doctor.

I'm not entirely sold on Bill yet, but I know it's a "takes time to adjust" deal with changes to cast in that show. I just feel like she's not got anything about her that really hooks the viewer.

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RE:Doctor Who - Series 10

I have not seen much of the new stuff. I was able to catch up when everything was on Netflix, but I don't have cable/satellite TV so I can't watch anything live without paying an extra subscription. Or going to the shady websites.

Although, I have seen couple episodes at my friend's house when the new doctor first started. I wasn't as much of a fan as some people, though it sounds like he has grown into being the Doctor.

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RE:Doctor Who - Series 10

I like Bill and I'm looking forward to the new season. I'm going to miss Capaldi at the end, but there are good reasons for changing Doctors every few years. Looks like they're gearing up to an incredible regeneration.

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RE:Doctor Who - Series 10

Here in Australia Season 10 has just started on TV. Both Capaldi (current Dr Who) and Stephen Moffat producer and lead writer of Dr Who since 2009 at leaving the show at the end of this season. One is expecting this season to revisit many of the characters and be closure to scenarios Moffat introduced us to in previous seasons. I however hope the 'over blown special effects' that has characterised recent seasons and if my expectation is correct the story line is not compromised. It will be interesting to see how Season 10 ends and leads into Season 11 with Chris Chibnall as producer and a regenerated Dr Who (hopefully good looking and fun as David Tennant's Doctor) - anyone like to speculate

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RE:Doctor Who - Series 10

Four episodes in as of last night....


I'm dying to know what's in the vault in the basement. It's driving me nuts!

Missy? Not likely. She appeared in the pre-season trailer, but stuffing her in a vault to start the series would make no sense IMO.

C'mon Moffat, give us a damned clue!

I shall truly miss Capaldi, but I am hoping for a female Doctor.

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