if nudism was legal everywhere
If nudity were acceptable and legal in all places why the HELL would there be need for coverings. In the beginning coverings were just for protection from the elements and I think that is all they are needed for now. The pursuit of the textiles for body covering is only to enrich clothing manufacturers as seen in all the advertisements seen on TV and on the net. I further believe that living nude is not liberal or conservative it is just really comfortable and relaxing. In a nutshell it be me and sandals all the time weather permitting.
We would go everywhere, if it is warm enough and it is accepted to stay nude there (e.g. risk protection). In our vacations in the french nudist village we do this. Sometimes outside the "nude allowed" areas, too. But on this places are all nude.
I'd ease into it but it wouldn't take long to go Full Monty! Hmmm ... my wife would probably do what she does when we are out of town, out of state or out of the country ... sundress, sandals, flip flops and nothing else. I think right now, she'd probably go that route but would graduate to a sarong. Don't think she'd go naked until lots more women began doing it.