RE:Nudist or exhibitionist?

Both for me too. :-))

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RE:Nudist or exhibitionist?

In someway those two go together. Exhibitionists is only a form of being more active in promoting nudism I guess. I like to be the first one dropping my pants if the moment is right, eg. a BBQ at a lake with some friends. In this case I would just find the right moment and go for it. In all cases so far some or followed me in gettig naked. Same was in the sauna in the UK - normally not nude but I stared to just be nude in the male's locker sauna and more and more of the members joind in. And i would never use a towel in any lockers.

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RE:Nudist or exhibitionist?

for me it is sexual gratification, so I must be an exhibitionist, I love people looking at me on cam or my photos.

I recently tried my first visit to a nudist beach, I really enjoyed people standing and looking at me and seeing the oblivious pleasure they were getting

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RE:Nudist or exhibitionist?

Most nudists are not self conscious about their bodies. But some are more self conscious than others. We might see them dressing before leaving a beach even in a totally nudist resort. Those of us who enjoy others looking at our nudity are exhibitionists, even with all our imperfections. So I count myself as an exhibitionist nudist and with absolutely no sexual overtones.

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RE:Nudist or exhibitionist?

I am an exhibitionist to the extent I enjoy being nude in the presence of others more than being nude alone. I am not inclined to be nude in locations where it is inappropriate, but if there is any chance that nudity is acceptable, I want to be nude even if I am the only one. I truly enjoy being nude in the presence of others, even if they are clothed. I also enjoy being photogaphed nude. Selfies are great but Photos by others are better.

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RE:Nudist or exhibitionist?

It can depend on who witnesses nudity whether it is regarded as nudism or exhibitionism. I regard it as being very normal to be naked, on my own and in public, and to be seen nude and to see other nudists. Non-nudists may well interpret public nudity as not being normal behaviour, even when they see nudists at places which are accepted as being OK to be naked at. Often exhibitionism is interpreted as drawing attention to the genitals, if a naked person is not doing that then its not exhibitionism in my view. Nudity gets interpreted in many different ways by different cultures, as well as at an individual level. To me it feels completely normal to share our nude photos here and elsewhere if we're nudists, I feel more comfortable nude and like some others here I prefer being photographed nude. I am a nudist, the real me is naked, I don't want to have to get dressed up to be photographed, that is not the real me. I spend more than half my life nude, a lot of it with other nude people. I'd rather look at photos of nudists than textiles, clothes are of no interest to me, people are.

But these are just my view, I expect some to agree and some not to, whether they are a nudist, an exhibitionist or something else. They are words, labels; open to interpretation.

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RE:Nudist or exhibitionist?

But there is a third possibility, and that is exhibitionism for its own sake, and not as an erotic or sexual thing. Genuine pride in the body and the desire to share that authentic self. The word means "to show", and we can choose what areas we want to show. It is associated with sex usually exclusively for the same reasons that nudists are viewed as sex fiends. Because textile society cannot imagine wanting to see bodies and be seen any other way. At least that is how it makes me feel to be naked socially. There is no change in the way I act, no effort to position or do anything that is deliberate and at the beach in particular, it is glaringly obvious who the nudists/naturists are, and who is there purely to be inappropriate. I respect myself and others enough to explore sexual activity in spaces where consent is given and received and no one is being imposed upon. If showing off is part of that, I see that as acceptable in the context.

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