New to Nudity

Hello all,

I am an 20 year old male who is wanting to explore the nudist scene. I have always enjoyed the sensation of being naked in private, but I have never been nude in public. In fact, no one has ever seen my naked body before. I have a few concerns about social nudity, however...

1. Not to sound sexual, but I am very worried about erections. I am a heterosexual male, and I am worried that being around nude females would cause an unwelcome and inappropriate arousal.

2. Where do I start?? There are no nudist resorts or beaches close to me that would make practicing social nudity possible.

3. I am very self conscious about my body. I fear my skinnier frame and smaller genitals would cause me embarrassment.

Any advice would be great! Thank you!

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RE:New to Nudity

Please fill in your profile so members here can take you seriously.

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RE:New to Nudity

First, all of your questions are normal questions to ask. Second, explore your desires. Start slow; sleep nude, be nude around your house when you feel safe, find outdoor areas where you can go nude. You will become more comfortable and you may not be as concerned about getting an erection. Also like others have said read posts on this site and others, there are lots of discussions you can learn from.

Don't worry about the size of your penis. Being around true nudists, they really don't care...I mean that, we are who we are. Erections occur naturally, and it is not always a bad thing. Remember you can simply roll on your stomach. If your penis is on the smaller side it may make you, and this is all about you, to trim your pubes. I trim my pubes and shave my balls.

I forget all of your questions but I hope I have given you some information anyway. EXPLORE your desires and keep an open mind. Send a private message if you have more specific questions you don't want to ask in a public forum. But remember others learn from you and the answers.

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RE:New to Nudity

I was 18 when I joined this site, so I understand your anxiety. The great thing about nudism is the amount of acceptance this social group has. We accept all people of all body types in this place. One thing I have found is that if you start hanging out naked it will eventually get to a point where you think "Wow, I haven't had even single thought about sex in the 3 hours I have been nude". Like all journeys, it just starts with a singular step.

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