How did LDS fair the winter?

Has anyone been out there to see how they got through all the rains? How the place doing? Please post any photos you may have taken.

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RE:How did LDS fair the winter?

Good question. I too would love to hear. I know they were closed for a couple of days due to the road being flooded and they move trailers etc to areas that don't have flooding issues but I haven't heard anything since.

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RE:How did LDS fair the winter?

I went out to LdS the weekend following the big storm, rains, and flooding. The property did flood -- there was just one big massive lake for several days. The island with the bridge was about 5 feet under water (only the hammocks gazebo roof being out of the water, and the lake level came all the way up to inches (literally) of flooding the volleyball pool by the Lakeside Inn restaurant. The far side of the lake came up to the steps of the indoor pool building. The road going to the indoor pool building was also several feet under water. I didn't see any of this personally, as by the following weekend, the floodwater had all receded to still high, but not flood-like levels. In fact, I was amazed at how relatively normal everything looked just one week later. I was expecting to see dirty mud everywhere, but no, everything looked clean. I was even able to walk out to see the river by then, which was still high, but a good 10 lower than it had been the weekend earlier, at the tops of the levee banks.

I only knew of the flooding due to pics that various other people had posted to Facebook earlier that week. These attached pics are not mine -- but of those I found on the Internet.

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RE:How did LDS fair the winter?

Thank you so much for your update. The photos are amazing.

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