why Common people hate Nudist?
Group and social pressure, also I do see more prudeness the last couple of years in locker/shower rooms.
Sad to say this is more or less influenced by political correctness in the teaching of young children towards nudity.
I remember growing up in the 80s in primary school, we always showered with the girls and swimmed naked in summer.
Nowadays the attitude towards nudity is changed/changing.
We have a lot of newcomers in our country and some religions or lifeview do not accept or embrace nudity. At least , this is thought.
School teachers do not dear to "possibly offend" people and I hear stories about children wearing swmmingtrunks in the shower at school!
But it is just so towards the person(s) you meet: Last year I encountered a former refugee with his young children. I was swimming / sunning naked with a small group. I asked him if it was ok, he replied "no problem, this is a free country, it is good to feel free". Most people are ok with it, I think 50/50% ratio.