RE:Clothing Optional or Clothing Not Allowed??? Any Preferance? .

I prefer "clothing not allowed", but only if the weather is good enough.

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RE:Clothing Optional or Clothing Not Allowed??? Any Preferance? .

Has to be clothing optional, although I would always be naked, but clothing not allowed does not help our cause as naturists to be free to do what we want,
If we start laying down rules like no clothing allowed, we can not then complain about the textile world saying no nudity allowed, it just further segregates us and it would be hypocritical,
We have to strive for clothing optional in as many places, areas as possible, no one is being forced either way, everyone is free to do what they want..

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RE:Clothing Optional or Clothing Not Allowed??? Any Preferance? .

I prefer optional. I prefer that people can make choices of their free will .I will choose naked of course, the next may not but will be there aware.
My late wife was no nudist but enjoyed an clothing optional beach day and my, and others. nakedness.

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RE:Clothing Optional or Clothing Not Allowed??? Any Preferance? .

I prefer optional. I prefer that people can make choices of their free will .I will choose naked of course, the next may not but will be there aware.My late wife was no nudist but enjoyed an clothing optional beach day and my, and others. nakedness.

Excellent point I have often wondered why people who bemoan the fact that they arent allowed to pursue the freedom to choose to go without clothing would choose to take a choice to not be clothes free away from others. But at it seems we are in a world of extremes I chalk it up to each his own.

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RE:Clothing Optional or Clothing Not Allowed??? Any Preferance? .

Really I think the rule should be reversed, I think all beaches should be nude beaches. Then someone can start a clothed optional beach.

No I think you are missing the point, clothing optional is not a rule one way or the other, it leaves everyone free to do what they want and that's what we need to strive for
I'm not a big fan of rules, so any, "rule" that effectively says do what you want is a good rule...

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RE:Clothing Optional or Clothing Not Allowed??? Any Preferance? .

I know some opinions are that if it's a nude beach everyone should be nude, but personally, as long as I can be naked, not really bothered what everyone else is doing,

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RE:Clothing Optional or Clothing Not Allowed??? Any Preferance? .

I agree that clothing optional should be the case for a lot more beaches and parks than exist today, but they can't be in so great a proportion as to keep those who are not comfortable seeing naked people or be nude themselves. What has happened in some places also should not take place again. Locations that have traditionally been places where nude is the norm get used by more and more people who do not use the nude option. Then over time they take over and before you know it, nudity has been banned.

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RE:Clothing Optional or Clothing Not Allowed??? Any Preferance? .

Really I think the rule should be reversed, I think all beaches should be nude beaches. Then someone can start a clothed optional beach.

I DID catch your point, wombat - 'clothed-optional' as opposed to 'clothing-optional'. Just a few different letters makes every difference in the discussion. So many folks in True Nudists (and just about anywhere where language is written) do not, cannot or refuse to notice the subtleties of thought that must be taken into account if a point is going to get through, or in this instance, a bit of humor is introduced to the subject.

A more openly-nude society is a lovely idea to me as well, though it will never happen. Rules have their place depending on the place in question. If one day every beach in the world were to begin requiring nudity, then it would be very easy to witness the hang-ups and sexualization which would follow when clothing is worn by the then rule-breakers.

I understand that many European beaches are generally much more chill about allowing women to go topless and a general air of acceptance for what anyone wears, so hope does exist for those of us who know how ridiculous it is to constantly fret about everyone else's attire.

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RE:Clothing Optional or Clothing Not Allowed??? Any Preferance? .

My point exactly, clothing optional is not a rule one way or the other, everyone is free to do what is comfortable for them, and has to be the way to go..

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RE:Clothing Optional or Clothing Not Allowed??? Any Preferance? .

If nudity becomes a uniform the sense of freedom gets quashed.That sums it up perfectly.Yep that is so on point. And the argument that we are seeking freedom to live as we choose becomes moot.

I do have a question about "freedom."

Many moons ago, I was at a resort - for an extended stay - with my then-wife. The question of "freedom" came up. My wife was a habitual "lap-sitter" at home, whether nude or not. It was her preferred way of connecting physically, but non-sexually. And she was a bit "put off" by nudist etiquette" frowning upon us sharing a lounge chair, and "perceived intimate physical contact" of her sitting on my lap. "If nudism is about freedom, why can't I "act naturally" with my husband?" It was a legitimate question. My current wife would make a similar observation many moons later.

Is resort nudism truly about "freedom?" Or is the "freedom spoken of" merely about freedom from clothing? Is "true freedom" pursuable at a nudist resort?

Some will say: "That's why I go to the nude beach." Sure, that seems to be the "freer" alternative. But that comes with its own issues. My favorite nude beach, Mazo, was shut down because the "authorities" deemed it "too free."

I guess it's how one defines "freedom." For me, the "nude-obligatory" resort offers the freedom I'm looking for; since I'm looking for an interactive clothesfree environment with others. For someone looking for the freedom to wear "whatever", my resort probably wouldn't be a very freeing experience. They'd have to drive another couple of hours to TLR; which is "100% C/O." But even there, a woman in the pool area with a G-string (to quote a previous post) might feel out of place and get "weird looks" is "true freedom" really attainable?

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