
Does anyone in your department know your a nudist?

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A friend of mine from another station knows that I am. Lmnao

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I am no longer in LE but my last department, pretty small. (25-30) all knew. A friend and I were talking about our vacations and I mentioned I went to a camp (Cypress Cove) and tol him about it. He said it sounded nice and maybe he would check it out. I eventually told him it was a nudist colony. He told a mutual friend in my dept and by the weekend everyone knew. Nobody really made a big deal about it. Some questions but thats all.

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well, just recently I was at the resort and noticed a fellow officer in different department but similar county. I walked right by him at the resort but he didnt recognize me. I talked to him at work just us two. He was talking about his vacation and I said were you at the city that the resort is at. He look and said did you say ____ (city) and I said yea. He then knew. Everyone at his agency knows he is a nudist. I am keeping it downlow.

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