Lots of opportunities to be nude

I wished I would have seized more opportunities to be nude when I was a farmer. I mean you're out in the middle of a field with no one around for a half mile. Perfect!

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RE: Lots of opportunities to be nude

I take as many opportunities as possible, but am limited by our farm staff not being into nudity and the climate here in Wiltshire. There is nothing better than fetching the cows in for milking in the nude, I also need to wear protective clothing sometimes.

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RE: Lots of opportunities to be nude

Here the constraint is mostly mosquitoes, but certainly just getting back and forth between outbuildings, or in the driest weather... and our helpers are cued to the nudity.

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RE:Lots of opportunities to be nude

I am fortunate enough to run a horse farm/stables. We board horses and give riding lessons so must work around visitors. But, with their schedules mostly predictable and having a good driveway alarm I can do a lot of farm work naked. I do evening 'bring in' and chores nakedly. Sundays I do morning chores and turn out, most often nakedly.

The horses seem to relate to me better when I'm nude. They don't see any need of clothes!!! I do wear protective footwear when working around the horses. I'm a naturist but not a fool!

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