Poll: based on your experience, most nude-friendly country?

My vote, Germany. Yours?

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RE: Poll: based on your experience, most nude-friendl country?


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RE: Poll: based on your experience, most nude-friendly country?

HMy vote, Germany. Yours?My vote is MEXICO AND NETHERLANDS

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RE: Poll: based on your experience, most nude-friendly country?

I haven't been to Germany or the Netherlands as a nudist. for me it's France, then Spain then Portugal.

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RE: Poll: based on your experience, most nude-friendly country?

it is definitely Germany, FKK (freie Koerper Kultur) has been program for a long time and still today at almost every little lake you find nudist sections. In the middle of Munich in one of the nicest parks you can be nude. Second it will be France and probably Spain. Don't forget about Switzerland and the nordic countries as they have nudity in all the Spa/Saunas - it is forbiden to wear any clothes.

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RE: Poll: based on your experience, most nude-friendly country?

Nudistanlandia, where the unicorns come from.

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RE: Poll: based on your experience, most nude-friendly country?

Interesting responses! Thank you! Lived in Germany. As said above, every little lake has nude section. Munich has 6 designated nude areas. Saunas are generally coed. Read a story about a man who walked thru Munich grocery store nude, just to test relaxed attitude. Was not arrested. Now that's civilized!! For those who mentioned other countries, what experiences gave them high rating in this poll? Thank you!

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RE: Poll: based on your experience, most nude-friendly country?

I would say the Dutch are quite nudist friendly - and there are a lot of Dutch nudists. But Germany is quite nudist friendly as well with some old resorts. The US is definitely not on that list.

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RE: Poll: based on your experience, most nude-friendly country?

Sadly South Africa is not on the list

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RE: Poll: based on your experience, most nude-friendly country?

Definitely Germany.

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RE: Poll: based on your experience, most nude-friendly country?

We would say the Netherlands and Denmark.

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