First.....Hi to the new people, Welcome to the group!!!

Been a crazy summer up north here with very little fishing. I need a break from the north here which on many days has been hotter than summer in FL this year.Heading south in the next week to ten days so hoping the storms blow through quickly. Snook opens Sept 1, September is a great Tarpon Month! I ready to do some battle with both.
Anyone up for having a pick up Snook Tournament. No entry fee, No cash pay out, You get bragging rights here. Lets fish for a month even though I will not be there till the second week sometime. I'm in, anyone else? Post here and we will come up with some easy to follow rules, bragging rights for Biggest and most inches of fish.
If there is any interest here we can also do something for Grouper this winter.
Get out there and catch some fish!!

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