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My nude photo is full page in the latest (Sept 2016) issue of H&E, near the end. That's something else ticked off my bucket list.

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My nude photo is full page in the latest (Sept 2016) issue of H&E, near the end. That's something else ticked off my bucket list.Congrats Ollie!

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Congratulations! Be careful with the bucket list, though - if you finish everything on it, you have to die! :-)

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Congrats Olly!! Getting those bucket list items ticked off is great!!

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Congratulations! Be careful with the bucket list, though - if you finish everything on it, you have to die! :-)Lol. No I just add new things.

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Congratulations! Be careful with the bucket list, though - if you finish everything on it, you have to die! :-)Lol. No I just add new things.
Which Nude Photo is it Ollie?

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Congratulations buddy!!! That's so cool! Perhaps you'll inspire some of these TN members to actually post nude photos for all to see and be OUT nudists! :-)

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Perhaps you'll inspire some of these TN membersto actually post nude photos for all to see and be OUT nudists!:-)
Yes it's such a shame that so many are scared to show themselves.
So let's encourage them to come out.. BTW for those not Brits: H&E is awell knownmonthly nudist mag here in the UK

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Congratulations Olly.

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Perhaps you'll inspire some of these TN membersto actually post nude photos for all to see and be OUT nudists!:-)
Yes it's such a shame that so many are scared to show themselves.
So let's encourage them to come out.. BTW for those not Brits: H&E is awell knownmonthly nudist mag here in the UK

A celebrity in our midst. Post a copy of the photo to the group photo album for us, if you DARE.

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