Something I've noticed on here

Hi, I have just been going through the numerous threads on here. Only the female members or male/female couples who have started threads introducing themselves have had responses. The guys have had none. What's the go?

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RE: Something I've noticed on here

Hi, I have had a few request from females only to find out they were guys. The one used pictures of a female saying he was a couple, but when the meet happens there was no female and no indication of a female living there. Right or wrong I reported his profile and then got a bit of abuse back. All I ask for is just be honest.

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RE: Something I've noticed on here

From what I have read here, a new member has little chance of befriending anyone. a shame. How does a newcomer prove himself to be honest and a true nudist ?Good question. Should the newcomer post a photo of himself full frontally nude at a nudist beach or club with the signs behind him as authentication?Or should they be okay to post a photo in their bathroom or toilet nude with a mobile phone taking a photo of themselves?The problem with nudism is that it is not a trademarked thing. Anyone can profess to be one regardless of whether they are into the more undesirable sides of social nudity. In the end it should come down to one thing: the benefit of the doubt. Go out of your way to make friends with new nudists. Stake them out with conversation and see if they are legit about the lifestyle from what they say and their body language. Your own personal intuition can tell you if they are genuine or not. :)

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RE: Something I've noticed on here

Hi, I have just been going through the numerous threads on here. Only the female members or male/female couples who have started threads introducing themselves have had responses. The guys have had none. What's the go?Have you ever noticed how many of the "female" profiles on here are extremely hostile toward men, especially single men?
This has gotten much worse over the last couple of years.

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RE: Something I've noticed on here

vouch for you Bella. Yes too many on here nudity is a sensual
pastime and real nudist who get nude for the freedom and sensual
interaction with their surroundings be it alone or with others.Last night I met
a Vietnamese girl and a boyfriend at a local nude swim night.I hesitated to approach them as my wife was not with me and as they
sort of kept to themselves, i gave them the space they appeared to need.
I waited until suppertime and
approached them, the girl had got dressed as she is still coming to
terms being nude in the presence of others. (a deeply entrenched
founded in the more feudal period).
Turns out she is from my wife's home city in Vietnam and we
had a great discussion about different aspects of life in both
Vietnam and Australia.
Our discussion was nothing like the sexist comments and conversations that appear on nudist sites especially involving photo's of nude females.
All I can say is I feel sorry for you guys that can only think with your little head and is the only reason you come on sites like this.

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