We focused on the word gun for one reason only. For 99% of the non-American members the mere concept of carrying a gun to put out the bins is so alien that it jumps out at us.I can understand carrying a gun in the wilderness, but to put out the trash?????
In some parts of the US, especially in the West, predators are still fairly common. A naked human is little more than prey to a big cat or a bear, so carrying a weapon even for such a short walk is reasonable. For most Americans, doing so is as alien as it is to non-Americans, but in some areas it's quite sensible. Ya gotta remember, this is a big country and large parts are still not densely settled at all. There are still highways where you can go 50 to 100 miles between towns - no place to stop for food, gas, or assistance.
And if you meet a police officer nude with a gun you'll get what you deserve, the officer will shoot first and ask questions later. At least that's how it seems from all thenews coming out of America lately. As for garbage take out, I do that every Monday as that's our rural garbage collection day. Until winter sets in, then I have to wear warmclothing.
Don't be so fucking stupid. The population of the United States is 313,910,000. Out of that, there are only 670,439 sworn peace officers, or 0.22% of the population. Police had contact with 53,050,790 people in the United States in one year. That includes traffic stops, citations, warnings, witnesses, services, collisions, reporting, observers, victims, motorists, consensual contact, arrests, etc. Out of those 53,050,790 contacts, there were 26,000 complains filed, which is only 0.049% of the time. Only 2,080 of those complains were actually sustained, which is 0.0039% of the stops. So this whole "shoot first and ask questions later" mentality is absolute bullshit.
I've been in law enforcement for 20 years now and have never once shot anybody. The news out of the USA for the past week is all about police officers shooting people. Isn't it news down there.Haven't you heard? And you don't have top be rude.
The thing is the OP more or less said that without his exposed gun he thought the people driving the car might have shot him, and so isn't anything to do with dangerous wild animals which might be living around where he lives.
Was out this morning about 4:00 am. Walked to the curband a car up the street stopped (there's a stop sign posted). I wasputting out the trash collection. I am certain the driver saw me. Iwalked back the way I'm came & into my garage. Nothingoccurred. Could be because I open carry a pistol.
Rubbish! hahahaha
My wife has decorated our porch with colorful pillows on our
glider. She usually goes to bed long before I do and it's my chore
to bring them in at night. I have a nightly routine of checking
that my Jeep is locked and the side gate is closed and the pillows
are brought in. I wait til the neighbors across the street turn off
their upstairs lights, close their shutters and the coast is clear
but ...
several times, lately, cars have passed by on the street adjacent
to our cul de sac. I always turn our porch light off so there's
less chance of being seen. I guess you could say that when I go out there and bring in those pillows, check my Jeep and the gate and
take the trash cans out to the curb ... I'm carrying MY GUN as
well. Matter of fact ... I carry my gun with me all the time and when I'mwearing shorts or pants... it's concealed! :D