Feedback - World Naked Bike Ride

Several cities have completed their annual World Naked Bike Ride event.
For those who participated, what was your experience?
The questions below are merely guides. Feel free to share your experience in your own words.
1. Which city did you participate? Was this your first time, third, seventh, etc?
2. What were the highlights of your ride? What parts of the event were memorable to you?

3. Did you get to meet new people, make new friends, or meet some old ones from previous rides?
4. Specifically yours, what was your World Naked Bike Ride message?

6. What preparation or advice would you recommend to those planning to join their very first World Naked Bike Ride?
7. Were there any issues/problems on the day of the event?
8. Will you participate again next year?
9. What message, if any, do you have for the organizers and volunteers who worked hard to make this possible?

Most of all, did you have fun?

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