Nudists - Asexual Eunuchs?
Asexual Eunuchs
Is that the image that we wish to convey?
We encounter sexuality in some form or other constantly in our daily lives. Turning on the TV, we find it in the commercials, the carefully made up weather lady, the situation comedies and elsewhere. At the grocery store, we will, on occasion, spot a member of the opposite sex which we find attractive and warrants a second look. What male has not encountered a waitress who flirts a little bit to build the tip?
We consider this to be normal and a pleasurable part of our lives.
There are those that would preach from the cyber pulpit that there is no sexuality in nudism. It defies logic that the removal of ones clothing instantly transforms one with a healthy libido to a sexless creature. Perhaps, they are confusing higher standards of decorum among nudists with a lack of sexuality.
While, true, that the removal of ones clothing eliminates the mystic, attraction does not magically disappear. the people we find attractive clothed ,we are likely to find attractive, nude. Those who claim there is no sexuality in nudism counter the image that most would like the general public to hold. That: We are normal people from all walks of life who find no shame in being unclothed in the presence of either sex..
There is sexuality in almost EVERYTHING we do. We are NOT asexual.But we know how to behave according to the circumstances. It's as simple as that.
In a situation where nudity is commonplace, we simply behave according to the social contract in force. If it's a nudist setting, the rules of nudism apply. Otherwise, the group can agree upon whatever they want.
But to be asexual? Perish the thought!
I have to agree with you and Betsy01 that sexuality is an ingrained part of our lives and is a factor in our live's activities. The nudists I know are very sexual beings but like our clothed friends don't flaunt it anymore or any less. We don't deal with people any differently, clothed or unclothed. Attractive is attractive, If you are mature, both clothed or unclothed you know how to behave.
Sexual attraction/arousal is all mental. If a woman tunrs me on, it's somewqualtiy she has that does the trick. Wheter she is clothed or unclothed is irelevant. As has been pointed out in other posts before, we humans have the abiltiy of self control. There is a time and place for everything.
Sexualityis anintegralpart of human personality and does not simply disappear with the removal of clothing. We all have different "triggers" to our sexuality whether clothed or nude and in a situation where wewouldnot normally choose to act upon it nudity isimmaterialas we simply would not act upon it. We areinundatedwith some form of sexuality every daythroughadvertising, movies,
TV, suggestive clothing etc. yet we do not run around in a constant state of excitement. Why would that change in a nudist environment? However, why should our sexuality diminish simply because we choosetobe nude with others of a like mind? As Macnude says we are all normal people and to deny our sexuality is to deny our normality.
There seems to be a bit of a problem in nude community with sexuality - or how others perceive nudes. Excessive phobia that textiles associate nude resorts and events as massive orgies sounds already a bit xenophobic like "they don't like us, they demonize us". Also occasional surfacing of some sexual crime cases among supposed nudies doesn't help. The fact is that in nude community it is about sexuality pretty much the same degree as in equivalent textile community would be. Just that in social nudity there is in general no more tolerance for sexual harassment or open displays of sexual actions than among people in clothes. Instead of laudly denying things, more constructive would be to admit that there is hardly any difference in that regard between nude and textiles.
Simply pointing out that social nudity is not about sex and sexuality any more than any other social interaction which takes place in clothes should be enough. Standard rules include that no sexual actions, no masturbation nor erect male penises are tolerated - nor open sexual insinuations to strangers - that should do it for the most. Otherwise there is no need to hide that flirting, mating and other sexually related things also happen in nude environment, though people tend in general to be less rude in their pick-up attempts than in equivalent textile environment.
Nudies are no angels - there is a fair share of all kinds of characters, including exhibitionists, voyeurs and alimony evaders - just like in any other place where lots of people, whether they nude or not.
TravelNudie aka Aki
Part of the problem is whenever a sex crime is committed by someone who is a known nudist, the media senses the need to pointout that fact. As if thiswas something akin to, say, a coach taking advantage of an athlete or a priest taking adavantage of parishoner.
To be fair, the media should either ignore a person's political, social or religious affiliations, or make a point of stating them in each case. Imagine something like this:
"The bank robber, who is the parish priest in Port Phony, ..."
"The speeding motorist, who works for the Justice Department, ..."
"Time has run out for N.,a die-hard feminist who ..."
"Convicted murderer Sean O'Irish, well-known for his Libertarian tendencies, ..."
"Sheelagh MacShea, a Republican if there ever was one ..."
"Mayor MacCheese, an anti-abortionist drug lord, ..."
It would bring absolutely nothing important to the news story, but at least we nudists wouldn't be the only ones to suffer.
Part of the problem is whenever a sex crime is committed by someone who is a known nudist, the media senses the need to pointout that fact. As if thiswas something akin to, say, a coach taking advantage of an athlete or a priest taking adavantage of parishoner. To be fair, the media should either ignore a person's political, social or religious affiliations, or make a point of stating them in each case. Imagine something like this: "The bank robber, who is the parish priest in Port Phony, ..." "The speeding motorist, who works for the Justice Department, ..." "Time has run out for N.,a die-hard feminist who ..." "Convicted murderer Sean O'Irish, well-known for his Libertarian tendencies, ..." "Sheelagh MacShea, a Republican if there ever was one ..." "Mayor MacCheese, a anti-abortionist drug lord, ..." It would bring absolutely nothing important to the news story, but at least we nudists wouldn't be the only ones to suffer.
I could not agree more. Even more perplexing is when any nude person is charged with an offense, they are linked to nudism if only by inference. In many cases, random naked guy, would be a more accurate description.
Also on this topic, here in the States, I have noticed throughout the years, story headings such as, Ex-Marine Charged in Shooting.Had their military history been Coast Guard or Air Force, it would not have been mentioned
There seems to be a bit of a problem in nude community with sexuality - or how others perceive nudes. Excessive phobia that textiles associate nude resorts and events as massive orgies sounds already a bit xenophobic like "they don't like us, they demonize us". Also occasional surfacing of some sexual crime cases among supposed nudies doesn't help. The fact is that in nude community it is about sexuality pretty much the same degree as in equivalent textile community would be. Just that in social nudity there is in general no more tolerance for sexual harassment or open displays of sexual actions than among people in clothes. Instead of laudly denying things, more constructive would be to admit that there is hardly any difference in that regard between nude and textiles. Simply pointing out that social nudity is not about sex and sexuality any more than any other social interaction which takes place in clothes should be enough. Standard rules include that no sexual actions, no masturbation nor erect male penises are tolerated - nor open sexual insinuations to strangers - that should do it for the most. Otherwise there is no need to hide that flirting, mating and other sexually related things also happen in nude environment, though people tend in general to be less rude in their pick-up attempts than in equivalent textile environment. Nudies are no angels - there is a fair share of all kinds of characters, including exhibitionists, voyeurs and alimony evaders - just like in any other place where lots of people, whether they nude or not. TravelNudie aka Aki
I think Philfreeuk put it wellwhen he said that if we lived in a perfect world, we wouldn't have to worry about being seen as sexual deviants. Unfortunately, this is not a perfect world. And intrying to show that social nudism isn't sexual, we sometimes give the impression that nudists themselves aren't sexual. WE ARE! Well, most of us, anyway.
Generally speaking, a nudist in a social nudist situation willavoid exactly whatever he or she wouldavoid in textile company. The only difference is the texile doesn't have tobring his or hertowel everywhere they go.
Simple enough?
Imagination plays a big role in flirting, in the showing not showing game. I guess we are so use to do that, that we can't do it while we are naked and exposed. I wonder how we all would developed that skill if we had neverhad to wear clothes in history of human kind.
I gotta disagree !
Matters not to me whether we're clothed or not. Flirting is still flirting. A smile and pleasant word is still a smile and a pleasant word.
Oh, sure. I might in a clothed setting, notice a woman's figure and mention that her dress fits her well, while I'd NEVER mention in a nude environment that her breasts fit well, or "nice ass" or any of those things that would easily be taken ( correctly ) as crude.
I might, depending on other things, mention to a nude woman that I like the color she's wearing if she has a beautiful tan, or some such, but that can be risky.
What I do and say has almost nothing to do with appearance, so clothed or nude seldom makes any difference whatever.
Asexual EunuchsIs that the image that we wish to convey?
No, but unfortunately some do spoil it for all of us, or at least blur the rules to the point where perceived infraction become proof of guilt.
As a result, we too often see over-reaction until we individually prove ourselves. Sadly, it's sometimes apropo.