Yard work

Arrived back at our summer home up north yesterday. I took a nice nude walk around some of the yard to see what survived the winter. I had somebody tend to the basics around the house while we were gone. Now the work begins. Today I started mowing the acreage nude on the tractor. Gotta couple of days to catch up there. Then I will tend to weeding all the gardens and the weedwacking, getting the fountain cleaned and going. Good part of it all is I can do all most all the work bare. Dont seem like work that way.

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RE: Yard work

Well I am trying to get the back garden sorted out with a lot of weeds to clear out from the borders and vegetable plot and the work never seams to hard when nude.

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RE: Yard work

Best gardening advice is: Enjoy a naked glass of cool beer whilst watching your wife tend the garden.

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RE: Yard work

Best gardening advice is: Enjoy a naked glass of cool beer whilst watching your wife tend the garden.Best gardening advice ever!

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RE: Yard work

Power washed the back porch and back of house

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RE: Yard work

I'm lucky, our property is pretty private. I do most back yard and pool work nude. I'll put on a loose pair of shorts or wrap a pool towel on if I need to venture out front or out to my workshop (an acre away and very open desert).

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