Dayton Warm Breezes

Dayton Warm Breezes Naturist Club is the only non-landed non-gay naturist club in Dayton and Cincinnati. Based in Dayton, we draw members from Columbus, Troy, Cincinnati as well as Dayton. See our web site at We believe we have one of the better web sites for a non-landed club in the country.
This being May/2016, our season is just ending. And what a year it has been. Our swim in April was epic! We will definitely be looking at a return to that venue again. Our season will pick back up in October. If you live in SW Ohio, consider visiting us for an event. You will meet the most friendly people imaginable. Note that anyone interested in social nudity is an invited guess to anyone of our events. As a first time nudist, you are not required to get nude.
Watch the Events page of our web site for upcoming events. Send an email to get on the email list. Never can tell when an impromptu event or meeting will be announced that won't make the web site. This especially can happen in the summer. Hope to see you at one of our events or meetings.
John Burkett
Secretary-Treasurer, Dayton Warm Breezes

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