Mt Hood National Forest

Took a drive up to Mt Hood on Sunday, 05-01-2016, just to get out of town. I ended up at a place called Tea Cup Park. I pulled into one of the 'Snow Park' lots and took a hike into Mt Hood National Forest. I founded very invigorating to remove my clothes. There were no paths to speak of and I did get a few scratches from the small vegetation. Also there was still some patches of snow in the shaded areas. I did slip on oneof the snow patches but I did not mind, it was 75. It did not take very long to dry off. I went backon Tuesday, and spent a little more time going further into the forest. Again slipping on the snow.I wish I could have stayed a little longer but the sun disappeared behind the trees and it started to sprinkle. Got a few more scratches but it was worth it. I'm planning to go back on Friday am to the same area and do some more hiking.It would be great to find other hikers in the Portland, OR area who would also go. Its suppose to be nice and warm, no rain.

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