RE:Lake O' the Woods in Indiana

Ah. I see. And I am a hundred percent sure I know why a business such as a nudist resort would want to keep voyeurs out. I think I couldnt put that together because I did t realize voyeurs were known to remain in clothes.

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RE:Lake O' the Woods in Indiana

It's also about everyone being on the same level.

My wife and I started out at C/O resorts. She quickly noticed that outside the pool area, a lot of women were covering up with a sarong or just going topless. So she did not stay naked outside the pool area, because she didn't want to be the "only woman walking around naked."

The first time we went to LOTW she saw right away that no one was covered up anywhere around the resort. Knowing that she would just "blend in" with everyone else, she easily embraced just staying nude all day. We just leave our clothes in the car and don't put anything on until time to leave; like most of the other nudists there. It also makes socializing more "connecting" when everyone you meet is as naked as you are.

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RE:Lake O' the Woods in Indiana

Just to add, having a nude mandatory or obligatory policy at a club or resort, keeps the "clothing optional" option limited. The clothing optional policies were in place to give newbies time to adjust to total nudity, NOT to remain clothed or covered their entire stay or even after membership. Far too many clothed people at nude clubs and resorts nowadays. At times, the clothed outnumber the nudes.

At our club, many of the residents will remain clothed for no apparent reason. We've asked many of them and they actually said, "the novelty wore off!" It was apparent that they saw what they did and bought into as some fad or trend, and they didn't care to partake anymore. They, however, go naked at their sites, in their yards or while working around their units but not so much in the common areas like the pool, pool deck and rec areas.

It's our hope that once we sell this house and move into a much smaller place, like a condo, we'll go to the club, find a unit that one of these people live in and buy it cheap! hahaha

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RE:Lake O' the Woods in Indiana

Just to add, having a nude mandatory or obligatory policy at a club or resort, keeps the "clothing optional" option limited. The clothing optional policies were in place to give newbies time to adjust to total nudity, NOT to remain clothed or covered their entire stay or even after membership. Far too many clothed people at nude clubs and resorts nowadays. At times, the clothed outnumber the nudes.At our club, many of the residents will remain clothed for no apparent reason. We've asked many of them and they actually said, "the novelty wore off!" It was apparent that they saw what they did and bought into as some fad or trend, and they didn't care to partake anymore. They, however, go naked at their sites, in their yards or while working around their units but not so much in the common areas like the pool, pool deck and rec areas.It's our hope that once we sell this house and move into a much smaller place, like a condo, we'll go to the club, find a unit that one of these people live in and buy it cheap! hahaha

I know that some clothing optional clubs are nudity only in the pool and hot tubs, and sometimes the deck.
Apparently, the one you belong to is not one of them.
Have you ever considered living full time at a clothing optional resort?

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RE:Lake O' the Woods in Indiana

I know that some clothing optional clubs are nudity only in the pool and hot tubs, and sometimes the deck.Apparently, the one you belong to is not one of them.Have you ever considered living full time at a clothing optional resort?

Our club began and had always been clothing optional, meaning, after an adjustment period, you would be required to be nude at all times. As time passed and management changed, along with board member changes, so did that policy. There still is an unenforced policy about clothing optional being an adjustment period but is obviously not adhered to.

Yes, we have seriously considered living full time at our club. The one drawback was that our friends would never visit. It meant that we'd always have to leave and visit them or get dressed and meet someplace clothed. That wasn't a kill all, but we still felt that if they were real friends and already knew of our nudist life, they'd make the effort. Luckily, our daughters, sons in law and most of the grandkids said that they would come visit.

The idea now is that once we sell this home, we'll find a condo/townhome and have enough money to also buy a place at our club. We would split our time between an inside and limited outside nudist life at the condo and spend days/weeks/months at the club and live nude the entire time. There are places for sale, currently, we're just not there yet.

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RE:Lake O' the Woods in Indiana

AndyDi, our resort doesn't have places come up for sale very often. Every resort is different and surely goes through cycles when there are more available to buy or when there are none to be had. When my partner bought this parkmodel there were six different units up for sale - something that hadn't happened since this section of the resort was completed, and having that many open hasn't happened since. It was nice to have the 'pick of the litter' for sure. Once the selling began the other five units sold pretty fast, and bear in mind that that moment did happen near the beginning of the pandemic, something which changed a lot of the dynamics - nude resorts were not immune to the nutsy crap that happened during that dark time.

My advice is to hurry up and make the transition to getting yourself a place inside of a nude resort - you will not regret it, except for waiting so long before making it happen. Everything comes at its own pace, but if you see the opportunity, realize it may move outrageously quick. (S)he who hesitates... Seize the day, as they say! Places here at White Tail get snapped up fast now, with so many people trying to join in on the simple beauty of living clothes-free. Covid-19 did horrible things to this world, but the positive side of its terrible cost comes in the way of people's attitudes shifting into seeking out new experiences, nudism being one of those things many people began to look into more seriously.

Clothing optional is fraught with pitfalls. We are nudist here, even though some still choose to wear things when weather says they should be bare. Ideas change, feelings alter, and shifting attitudes are inevitable in the individual mind. One problem this can tend to cause is perceived favoritism. The rules should be applied evenly for all. CO inserts an air of the individual, opening up an inappropriate niche for a person's property to be flaunted, possibly putting them into the mindset that the nudity is actually up to them - specifically where it shouldn't be. I feel as though by making garments 'optional', it immediately takes away a lot of the purpose that undergirds nudism. By leaving behind clothes fully, allowing not these trappings of prestige and status from a textile society mired in its own self-importance, something that has no place at a nude resort, everyone benefits.

I hope the time comes soon where you can make the next step, to sell your present place and move on to be able to go for months without cloth on your skin. We can attest to the fact that full time nudism is an incredible thing to bring into your life, though it comes with some downside. Be prepared to start feeling as though clothes bring an almost allergic reaction when they are required, once you've gotten a taste of total disrobing! Neither of you will want to go to the store when it gets to that point. Don't fight over it! Switch it up and keep the peace. Keep track on a calendar or something. And shop smart to keep the trips out to clothed market to a minimum.

And where's my nude Aldi?

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RE:Lake O' the Woods in Indiana

And where's my nude Aldi?

Try their curbside pickup. For $2 extra, you order online, stay naked in the car and pop open the trunk.

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RE:Lake O' the Woods in Indiana

interesting how the clothing optional thing seems to be a non issue in Europe and the UK where nudism is growing but major issue in US where nudism is rapidly declining.

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