
So let's define a scale of exhibitionism.
1. I hate the very idea of being seen naked by anyone but my spouse.
2. I'm shy but I won't make a heart attack if someone once gets a glimpse of my body. I'll still be embarrassed to talk to that person afterwards though.
3. I'm fine with nudity when it's required, say in a medical context or if I want to enjoy a sauna in Germany (and I love saunas, but they are all nude and coed there).
4. When in Rome... I am ok with being naked in nudist contexts but it's just because it's so much more comfy.
5. I'm a nudist and I always look for nudist get-aways.
6. I actually enjoy being seen naked but there is nothing sexual about it, I'm just proud of my body - let them see something nice.
7. I do sometimes get a bit of a sexual tingling from being seen naked.
8. Being seen naked and even remembering it does trigger erotic feelings.
9. I often masturbate remembering how people have seen me naked.
10. I can barely imagine a satisfying sex life without my nudity or memories thereof.

Now, this is not a scientific scale, I just made it up - and sure enough, everyone of the 1.5 persons who will answer will define themselves around 4-5.

Hello I would consider myself a 5.

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i'm a solid 7, sometimes 8 in person, and definitely 8 on cam.

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