
I am close to 10,000 posts.
Any suggestions of an appropriate way to celebrate the milestone?

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Not any more. 1300 posts dropped since this morning.
Anyone know what happened?

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Most probably a Group or a very busy topic was deleted. I have lost several hundred on a couple of occasions but not anything you can do about it.

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I lost several hundred once and smaller numbers many times but never over a thousand before.

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Looks like The Naked Outdoors disappeared for one.

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I am close to 10,000 posts.Any suggestions of an appropriate way to celebrate the milestone?

Get a life. Get off the computer and get into REAL nudism.

You're not a bad guy, you just have a skewed focus on what nudism is. It's not the number of posts or the status banner under your name/handle. It's real-life experiences and sharing those with others. We've been nudists for over 50 years. 30+ as social nudists. We get out, go places, meet people. It's far different than an online nudist. REAL people, REAL-life nudist experiences and contributing more than asking the same questions over and over again in nearly every post.

These post numbers and status banners mean nothing except to the person that makes them out to be a big deal. Real nudist/naturist experiences are far more important and hold the weight real nudists look for.

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