
For a few years now my wife and I have been going to aquamobility sessions in the local pool and it has become my regular time for social nudity. Admittedly it's not a long session afterwards in the changing room (lol), but it still counts! One thing I have noticed though, is it tends to be the older guys who have no problem with it; the younger guys who are in the pool just for a swim tend to shower in their swimwear, or wrap a towel round themselves as they leave the shower, usually giving us 'oldies' a disapproving look... I grew up in the 50s and 60s and went to an all boys secondary school and later did some time in the Airforce. In my younger days porn was ladies with pasties over their nipples or lots of airbrushing; it would appear that as it got more explicit, guys became more prudish in the real world.... Maybe that could be a subject for research?

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I grew up in the 80s and we were much more innocent as the younger guys who are watching hard core porn since their childhood. What did we have in the 80s? A normal teen could get Playboy not more. Ok we could see some hard core stuff from the older friends in their 20s. But this was not so often as nowadays. Nowadays in the textile shower I push it and often shower naked. The younger guys are watching me and try to be naked as well but are to shy to do it.

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I grew up in the 80s and we were much more innocent as the younger guys today who are watching hard core porn since their childhood.

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