which one have i not done yet?

Here is a short list of things I have done nude. But one on the list i have not yet done. Which one is it?

Stand up paddle board Kayak across a state line Hot Air Ballon ride, bungee jump, ride a quad bike, do a 3 state streak, Skinny dipped in 2 dozen countries.

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RE:which one have i not done yet?

5 bucks on the hot air baloon naked. I've done the other ones too. except for the bungee jump. wouldnt' do that with or without

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RE:which one have i not done yet?

Wrong. My buddy and I stripped off while up in a hot air balloon outside Melbourne Australia in Feb 2019. Our 4 friends with us just rolled their eyes. The pilot took it in stride

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RE:which one have i not done yet?

I'm guessing it's doing a 3-state streak. You could get arrested for that after all.

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RE:which one have i not done yet?

You could try four states streak @ 4 Corners! I am sure it would be fun as all get out, but end badly!

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