Hope you enjoyed the show...

... on TS. Now those were top shelf pics (taken with a real camera, with real posing). While they were also erotic, (most of) the sex acts were simulated - although what is sex and where does simulation and playful teasing stops and actual sex begins could be a great topic of discussion. I was the model in most, although not all those pics.

I uploaded a lot, knowing than sooner rather than later the mods will notice and will start systematically deleting them all. Well, that moment has come so I guess it's no use trying to upload more, they will only be visible for a very short time.

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RE:Hope you enjoyed the show...

TS seems to be fairly quiet in general.

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RE:Hope you enjoyed the show...

Yet another truly unfortunate series of poor decisions on the mods part. I selfishly ask that you don't abandon your practice of providing amazing art for those of us that deeply appreciate what you do and why you do it.

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