A question for the smoothies here
Ok since Summer time is winding down it got me thinking, I wonder how many of us stay smooth year round vs those who choose to let it grow back in for winter. Me personally I choose to stay smoot, I think it is just easier plus I think it just feels better. I would love to hear from everyone.
We are both smooth year-round and have been for about 45 years.
I don't get why some may prefer smooth but grow their pubic hair back for winter. Does growing one's pubic hair back in winter provide some increased warmth or protection from the elements? If you're naked outside in winter, I don't think having pubic hair is going to provide your body with any more warmth than with those without pubic hair.
I want to thank everyone that has replied so far. I figured the replies would go this way. Naturist seem to maintain their smoothness but the reason I began to think about this was because you always hear the term "bikini season" among non naturist and for most ladies that means it's waxing time. That is when I thought "I wonder if naturist did the same". Anyway I look forward to hearing more of everyone's thoughts on this.
In the summer my wife and I stay shaven. During the winter we just keep a buzzcut. But if we go to a nudist event in the fall/winter, we shave again.
In other words, there is a direct correlation for us between being shaven and nudism. And it's mostly due to laziness tbh.