Serious Question

I know that nudity shouldn't automatically be considered sexual. However, I also know it typically is in todays society. What is the appropriate way to deal with unintentional arousal in a nudist setting? I typically only practice nudism at home, but fear accidental arousal if I were to attend a nudist event or gathering.

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RE:Serious Question

Hang a towel on it.

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RE:Serious Question

Serious Answer: most men have been there. ALL men have experienced an erection at an inopportune time. Most women know erections occur at inexplicable moments (from their point of view). And most nudists know it happens.

What you do with it matters. Show it off & be asked to leave from some groups. Some groups want you to hide it while some accept it is happening like they would accept chill bumps (goose flesh, goose pimples, etc) on someone's skin. It's the body reacting to something & getting obsessed with the reason why is usually pointless.

If the group makes a big deal out of it, find a different group.

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