Starting a new year in a week

When does everyone in this group start school? Or have you started? We start week later than usual which I am not too happy because it means we get out a week later in June!

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RE:Starting a new year in a week

Our schools started the first of August. Trying to be half way thru when they break for Christmas. Instead of coming back for 2 weeks and then exams.

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RE:Starting a new year in a week

We've been in school for a couple of weeks already. Much too early!

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RE:Starting a new year in a week

Our schools opened in Tampa Bay area on August 12th.

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RE:Starting a new year in a week

That makes sense. When i worked in IL we started second week of August and were done the end of May,

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RE:Starting a new year in a week

It looks like a lot of the southern states started two weeks ago so that you are done before the heat sets in in June but lately that doesn't help with temps being hot starting earlier and lasting late in the year.


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RE:Starting a new year in a week

It's hotter in August than early June, so weather doesn't seem to be a factor in the new schedule. Finishing the semester before the end of December is probably more of a driver for these new schedules. Kills a lot of vacation activity in August, though.

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RE:Starting a new year in a week

Aug 22 here.

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RE:Starting a new year in a week

We started August 12th in NW Florida.

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RE:Starting a new year in a week

We started August 12th in NW Florida.

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RE:Starting a new year in a week

The local schools here started in mid-August also. I don't remember the exact date though.

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