Serious Question

I know that nudity shouldn't automatically be considered sexual. However, I also know it typically is in todays society. What is the appropriate way to deal with unintentional arousal in a nudist setting? I typically only practice nudism at home, but fear accidental arousal if I were to attend a nudist event or gathering.

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RE:Serious Question

cover with a towel , jump in pool the more you go the less it will occur

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RE:Serious Question

The below quote brings up a few different points but most important is the idea of accidental arousal ~ it all depends on the type of social nudism a person is dealing with. A nudist gathering that includes all ages will usually frown on your erection, and appropriately. Try to picture yourself at a family nude beach with kids playing in the surf and sand as you walk by with it out and proud. The children's parents will not be impressed with your cock or your rudeness at not covering yourself. There are many reasons why a nudist is never without his or her towel, and one of these reasons is to drape the fabric over your shoulder in a way so that no one need see your happy hummer. When I say nobody, a common (clothed) societal misconception is that nudism and sexuality go together, that with nakedness there always comes an undercurrent of desire. True nudists who've been around the bare block aren't usually in it for getting their sexual jollies; they are typically focused on the sheer freedom from clothes and the beauty that comes with no one hiding away from what we all are, naturally.

It is also common for some to come into the socially naked scene with some exhibitionism and voyeurism in mind, but for those who stick with it once the newness of everyone being in full view has sunk in, there's so much more to it than these simplistic parts of the whole.

An event where it is only adults attending will probably either ignore or encourage the boner; it is all based on context and intent. I've barely ever dealt with an all-adult nude event and don't have a desire to. The wholesome atmosphere gotten through inviting people of all ages brings with it an honesty that I wager is gone when the innocence and honesty of youth being encouraged to attend is removed. Kids are natural nudists - adults learn to love clothes, to rely on them for safety, and to hide their true selves. When I hear people say they wish we didn't have kids at our resort, that being around nude children makes them uncomfortable, it immediately worries me that they aren't going to fit in. They aren't getting it, they don't understand, and they may never -- that the children are our future, and that clothes have their purpose in the world but they will never make a person any better or worse than what's inside.

If a person is afraid they will show arousal on their journey to understanding social nudism when they experiment with it first hand, it is possible nudism isn't for them. Not everyone is able to let go of the crap taught to them about what clothes are for. Clothes hide a lot more than the skin.

Within the first few trips to a nude resort, my worry about such things was close to gone, and that is true for most people who give themselves the chance. I suggest to those who think they will be too titillated to stay soft that it might be best to remove some of the power before they visit a nudist place or event by masturbation or lovemaking. But even this won't help those who have (and cannot get past) the false preconception that just because people like being nude in social circumstances they all want to be sexual.

I know that nudity shouldn't automatically be considered sexual. However, I also know it typically is in todays society. What is the appropriate way to deal with unintentional arousal in a nudist setting? I typically only practice nudism at home, but fear accidental arousal if I were to attend a nudist event or gathering.

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RE:Serious Question

In practice it VERY rarely happens, even to novices in social nudism. The easiest thing to do is sit down until it subsides, keeping your legs together.

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RE:Serious Question

Funny is, I also have the same dilemma before I started this nudist lifestyle and I can tell you from my own experienced, it will never happen at all. I also been a home part time nudist in the beginning and I also have the same fear that I may get an erection if I get to go naked in a nudist setting with other people. My first nudist experienced was in 2018 when I went to Japan and tried their Onsen (Japanese Spa) where every single person is naked. I was hesitating too much until I took the courage to go ahead and do it. My fear of getting an accidental erection never happen. I think our brain is automatically programmed to act appropriately when you get naked with other people. It's a different scenario if you are getting naked to have sex though with the other person. But if you just want to get naked and hang out with other naked folks, it will never happen at all. There is another exemption and that is if you are a pervert and really looking at getting naked as a sexual thing (not intended for you. I'm just citing an example). Go ahead and take that leap of faith and don't let this bother you at all because this fear is stopping you to enjoy being naked with other people. But just like everyone commented in here, if it happens, just sit down and let it cool down, of if you have a towel, you can cover yourself, or jump in the pool until it subsides. I am also a member of our nudist resort here and one of the major rules in a nudist resort is that, you cannot flaunt your erection in case there are some families around or children. You can get banned for walking with an erection in a nudist resort. I am sure the adults don't mind it but they are protection the minors and families just in case.

Get out there and conquer your fear. Enjoy your naked life. Sometimes, if we let fear rule over us, we will never know the other side and you will missed a lot in your life.


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RE:Serious Question

My family and I have been visiting our local nudist resort for over 2 years now, and in that time I have seen exactly 1 guy get a boner. He was probably early 20s, he quickly excused himself and off to the bathroom he went. When he came back the erection had gone down. There was no big show of it, he did exactly what he needed to do, and no one made a comment or fuss about it. The odds of it happening are rare, but it did happen you can just drape your towel over your lap, or step off to the bathroom for a few mins.

I know that nudity shouldn't automatically be considered sexual. However, I also know it typically is in todays society. What is the appropriate way to deal with unintentional arousal in a nudist setting? I typically only practice nudism at home, but fear accidental arousal if I were to attend a nudist event or gathering.

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RE:Serious Question

Funny is, I also have the same dilemma before I started this nudist lifestyle and I can tell you from my own experienced, it will never happen at all. I also been a home part time nudist in the beginning and I also have the same fear that I may get an erection if I get to go naked in a nudist setting with other people. My first nudist experienced was in 2018 when I went to Japan and tried their Onsen (Japanese Spa) where every single person is naked. I was hesitating too much until I took the courage to go ahead and do it. My fear of getting an accidental erection never happen. I think our brain is automatically programmed to act appropriately when you get naked with other people. It's a different scenario if you are getting naked to have sex though with the other person. But if you just want to get naked and hang out with other naked folks, it will never happen at all. There is another exemption and that is if you are a pervert and really looking at getting naked as a sexual thing (not intended for you. I'm just citing an example). Go ahead and take that leap of faith and don't let this bother you at all because this fear is stopping you to enjoy being naked with other people. But just like everyone commented in here, if it happens, just sit down and let it cool down, of if you have a towel, you can cover yourself, or jump in the pool until it subsides. I am also a member of our nudist resort here and one of the major rules in a nudist resort is that, you cannot flaunt your erection in case there are some families around or children. You can get banned for walking with an erection in a nudist resort. I am sure the adults don't mind it but they are protecting the minors and families just in case.Get out there and conquer your fear. Enjoy your naked life. Sometimes, if we let fear rule over us, we will never know the other side and you will missed a lot in your life.Goodluck.

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