Definitions of stupidity

There's the age old definition "keep on doing the same thing expecting different results" I've used that one at work to describe my colleagues.
There's also the one that goes "block a group mod for no reason and then keep trying to join the group they are a moderator of" i guess that's the same as the above really.

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RE:Definitions of stupidity

Not sure about the first definition, I know a couple of lottery winners and a couple of olympic champions who would beg to differ on that one.

I also had the second case a couple of times at a time when I was bothering to check those who were asking to join. Now, this was not smart from their side, clearly. It's a minimum to check who the mods of a group you want to join are. But people just see a sexy chick on a group's cover and immediately click on Join. 99% of cases it's an internet pic and the group is populated mostly by men, but who cares.

But for me it was an interesting moral dilemma (you know I like those). It was before the change of policy and I was posting pics on my profile, but reserved full nudes for friends. So this couple has blocked me. It couldn't have been because I had asked for their friendship, I never do that. It must be for some pics or comments I had posted - but then why would they want to join a group where I post most pics (ok, they couldn't known that) and do most of the blurb? The only logical explanation was that they didn't like my pics and didn't know they would get to see me naked in the group album. But then again, I am not THAT hard on the eyes, I didn't post anything erotic, what was their problem?

On the other hand, they seemed to fulfil the criteria, which for couples was only to have nude pics (I could see the profile pic thumbnail). So should I follow my displeasure with them blocking me or the rules I had set? I asked the question in the group and didn't receive many responses, just wonders about why they would block me, which was not the main point. In the end I let them wait and Jeanne admitted them but I kicked them out after, as expected for group collectors, a couple months of zero activity in the group.

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RE:Definitions of stupidity

I once got blocked for visiting a profile and not leaving a like. I didn't know that was an offense, perhaps it's a Facechook thing?

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RE:Definitions of stupidity

Not sure about the first definition, I know a couple of lottery winners and a couple of olympic champions who would beg to differ on that one.I also had the second case a couple of times at a time when I was bothering to check those who were asking to join. Now, this was not smart from their side, clearly. It's a minimum to check who the mods of a group you want to join are. But people just see a sexy chick on a group's cover and immediately click on Join. 99% of cases it's an internet pic and the group is populated mostly by men, but who cares.But for me it was an interesting moral dilemma (you know I like those). It was before the change of policy and I was posting pics on my profile, but reserved full nudes for friends. So this couple has blocked me. It couldn't have been because I had asked for their friendship, I never do that. It must be for some pics or comments I had posted - but then why would they want to join a group where I post most pics (ok, they couldn't known that) and do most of the blurb? The only logical explanation was that they didn't like my pics and didn't know they would get to see me naked in the group album. But then again, I am not THAT hard on the eyes, I didn't post anything erotic, what was their problem?On the other hand, they seemed to fulfil the criteria, which for couples was only to have nude pics (I could see the profile pic thumbnail). So should I follow my displeasure with them blocking me or the rules I had set? I asked the question in the group and didn't receive many responses, just wonders about why they would block me, which was not the main point. In the end I let them wait and Jeanne admitted them but I kicked them out after, as expected for group collectors, a couple months of zero activity in the group.

I can only image the guy concerned blocked me because i wouldn't let him in the ENL group... then he continues to request entry... somewhat stupid I'd say.

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RE:Definitions of stupidity

As is obviously clear from daily interaction on this site in general, there is no shortage of stupid people. And persistently stupid people at that. For the XY types (I don't know that I could call them men), far too many are here for their jollies. And, many persist in doing the same thing as in posting "Private Chat" in the Chat room and waiting for respondents. It makes me think of Pavlov every time. The simpleton salivating over the potential reward. Forest Gump best summarized it with "stupid is as stupid does" and hit the mark perfectly. Gosh, does this site over flow with stupid. Maybe they could make a free flowing monument with a fountain displaying said sayings being the outpourings? Wouldn't that be amusing... For you folks that were in Chat that day, SweetpeaK posted this response to the Private Chat message, "Private Chat is in the Army and is getting deployed" or the like. It did shut them up for just a few. It was actually quite humorous.

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RE:Definitions of stupidity

I am so glad I work all the time ! Dont have extra time to chat in groups. Lol

But then this group was a private group in the past and now its public. Does that make it much easier for anyone to view things here ? I am not a group moderator so not sure how things work that way. Yeah I dont put friend request out there either. Maybe with people in the area I would ! But then thats why I originally joined TN was to met people and go to places around this part of the world. I get frustrated when you enjoy talking to someone and they live a thousand miles away.

Maybe thats stupid ? I hope not ! But then this group has been a light for conversation and pictures of wonderful people. So I hope you are not having to work to hard on trying to figure out who the stupid people are. Lol

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RE:Definitions of stupidity

No doubt there are many definitions of Stupid. We see it daily in everyday life. I will have to agree with American Comedian, Ron White, who said it best; "You just can't fix stupid!"

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