
Im more of a 5, 7 and 8. Dennis

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I am 7 - 8, Wolfgang

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Good to see that there are honest nudists.

When trying to convert textiles to nudism, most of us will stick to the official narrative "no correlation between nudity and sex or eroticism". But at least between us we can be open. Yes, there is some of this correlation, maybe weaker at some and stronger at others. Those bits were hidden precisely because they have erotic connotations and, scarcity pushing in the same direction, when we are naked and looked at by members of our preferred gender we may occasionally have fleeting erotic thoughts. Now, I suspect that for some none at all and for some a whole lot but most of us are somewhere in the middle. We are all different but we likely can be placed on a bell-shaped curve, possibly flat with with fat tails, but this is being the point.

I haven't read anything on the topic, but I think that feelings of shame and arousal are processed by very close spots on our cortex so we sometimes get confused and initially have some love-hate relation with our nudity. They give somewhat similar physical reactions (red face, hard nipples etc.) and can convert into one another.

I also suspect that guys will experience on average more of this nudity-eroticism correlation than ladies. And, last but not least, I also believe that if one lives in a nudist colony 24/7, after a couple of months or so this correlation will fade out.

So all good and natural. I don't mind that you like me to see you naked and I don't mind it that you like to see me naked. It's nature. All fine as long as exercised with social awareness and civility, trying not to make the others uncomfortable.

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Great topic and discussion, allthough also pretty dam deep lol!! For the most part I would agree with your points relating to nudity and eroticism or being turned on, more so for men than women(generally speaking). However for me personally, it has nothing to do with being or wanting to be turned on or excited. I finally came to terms with my own interest in social/public nudity in my 50's(I'm almost 61 now), and I have found out how much I just like being naked no matter the situation. I'm forced due to societal rules to be mindful of where & when, but whenever I can I am naked.
BTW, I too hover around a 6 and 7

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I believe it depends on the circumstances and those involved.
6. Overall, but mostly 7&8. So to average it out - 7 will do.

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On that scale I feel solidly a six, although not proud of my body so much as proud that I have no concerns about being seen in that state. Being proud of my body would require a fitness upgrade! A friendly smile or greeting is all I hope for and is always appreciated. I wouldn't be put off by a 'personal' compliment if I was to receive one, but expect I'd stay in the six zone regardless.

I may, err, edge towards seven in the unlikely event I have more sustained attention from a female, although it would not be physically obvious. I was part of a conversation last summer where we, a female and a few males, were in thigh-deep water and discussing a range of light topics. The fact I was in sustained view of the attractive female, and she had a licence to look as we chatted while a few metres apart was not lost on me and I found the experience to be seven-ish.

Earlier in life I was probably a three, as evidenced when a teen by not minding a bed-based sponge bath administered by a nice young nurse and getting through it without 'incident' - the risk of a physiological response was my greatest fear at the time. Even younger, the thought of reciprocal nudity with a female (e.g.: a classmate, but cannot recall if I was imagining a specific person) was felt to be okay, even if for ne that circumstance never came close to arising.

I'll still maintain that for me it's about the 'being' rather than the 'seeing', even if the 'seeing' aspect is not totally insignificant!

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Now Steve this is interesting. So you are in thigh-high water, naked with an attractive woman. And you don't get to level 7 (sexual tingling) because you see her naked, but because she sees you.

My real-life experience is that most men are more voyeurs than exhibitionists. It is what I see around me and what makes evolutionary logic. But it is also my experience that most if not all men in this group are more exhibitionists than voyeurs.

So to solve this cognitive dissonance I'll launch the following hypothesis: most men are indeed voyeurs but voyeur men who get into this group don't contribute much. They look at the pics, do their thing and leave. On the contrary, exhibitionist men, especially as they are not allowed to show themselves in this group (remember the enthusiasm when I launched the exceptional men's show?), reveal themselves more by contributing to the discussions. So they may be in a minority in general, but in a majority among the contributors. How does it sound and how could I test this hypothesis?

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I would say 6-7, I genuinely feel alive when naked but I don't mind appreciations if they are done nicely :)

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Flora, you are possibly reading me better than I read myself! A fair assessment and succinct. It's nice to see others but more of a thrill in being seen and interacting in conversation. There is a small clique at Sunnyside which may well welcome my presence, but I've generally kept to myself rather rhan try to 'break in' to the group. I think this female was in the group but happy to xhat to anyone in the area so that made it easy to get involved on the discussions. Other female visitors (usually up to 10% of the total attendance) keep to themselves or their party.

I certainly did sign up here more to participate in discussions than to gawk at pictures and if I've been drawn away from that premise a little, then ENL takes a significant portion of the blame/credit. And I'm even liking and commenting on your latest TS contributions. Oh, my!

I won't claim to be average, though. Just part of the spectrum that is humanity. What that spectrum kooks like and how to test it may prove difficult. The total TN membership may be a worse place to start compared to the general population.

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Use to be 7 but more often 6 nowadays. Nude it nude and be comfortable

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