Real life naturism/nudism

Finishing up long naturist weekend three days going in four of naturist social interaction and activity. So different from what is seen online. I saw people playing volleyball, talking walks, riding bikes, doing yoga, cooking, socializing, playing games, watching movies, sunning clothes free. Young couples, older couples, same gender couples, single mothers and their daughters, single dads and their sons, two parent families with kids, grandparents and their grand kids, kids playing in sand boxes safe and secure, all part of a naturist community. No one posing for pics, talking about penis size, sprouting public erection, lurking, creeping, Just people respecting each other and the environment while practicing social nudity. This is real life naturism and the thing being lost to nudism online.

If you what to be true nudist, seek out and pursue real life naturism. Feel the freedom and get connected in community. If you experience this then online nudism will never be sufficient again.

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

So, so true!

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

So, so true!

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

So, so true!

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

So it was a wonderful weekend. Just enjoying natural life. Like it should be.

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

I'm glad you were able to both see it and participate in it. That had to be a truly great weekend. Maybe this post will help other nudists to realize that TN is a cyber nudist world and that the genuine article is out there.

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

That was exactly the motivation.
Maybe this post will help other nudists to realize that TN is a cyber nudist world and that the genuine article is out there.

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

I agree, there is a special connection to others when you are enjoying social nudity at a clothes free club or resort, everyone is friendly and accepting always on an equal level.

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

Like so much else in this day and age everything seems to drift towards individuals instead of community despite human being naturally design for community.

I agree, there is a special connection to others when you are enjoying social nudity at a clothes free club or resort, everyone is friendly and accepting always on an equal level.

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

Nothing to add here. Just facts.

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

I often wonder what I am doing on this site. So much of the content and so many people here have nothing to do with true nudism/naturism. If I had a nudist resort within two hours of my home to satisfy my social nudist needs, I probably would not be here. As it is, I've met a few good nudists here and have had some good conversations. One valuable thing has been other people's thoughts and comments on nudism found in the groups and forums. That said, a week at my favorite nudist resort is worth a year of visiting this site. The biggest difference is that at the resort, the male-female ratio is about 1:1, as opposed to about 50:1 here at best. If you ran the statistics on the membership here, it wouldn't be that bad, but you have to remember 95% of the new female profiles since Covid are fakes, and the woman behind the profile may actually be a man. Making it worse, most of the real nudist females on the site are no longer active, having been run off by the pervs. Bottom line--this is social media.

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